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2022-01-27 09:25:02



It"s summer. Peaches are on the market. Mother bought three big and red peaches. I grab one and chew it. Suddenly, I saw a white thing, look carefully, it turned out to be a little bug. Its body is fat and white, and its head is like a rocket. It wriggles and crawls out of the peach meat. I was startled. It"s disgusting to watch the insect wriggle!


How did the bug get in? I asked myself. Did it make a hole in the peach? Or did someone put it in? But why didn"t it have a hole? I thought again, did its mother grow it in the peach and let it enjoy the juice of the peach? I couldn"t understand why. My mother helps me check the computer. It turns out that this kind of insect that specially damages the peach kernel is called peach insect. When the peach blossom is just opened, it lays its eggs in the pistil. Peach insects have a skill, that is, once there are eggs in peach flowers, the petals will shrink, wrap the eggs tightly, and you can"t kill the eggs inside by spraying any strong pesticide outside. Therefore, when the flowers fall and the fruits are ripe, the eggs of the insects have grown into worms and become bigger and fatter depending on the peach meat. From the outside, the peaches are very bright. In fact, the peach meat and the peaches have been eaten almost for a long time, leaving only a pair of empty shells.


I"m so happy to know that. Be careful when you eat peaches!



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