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2022-02-01 17:20:03



On the noon of new year"s Eve, the warm sun shines on the earth. My family has a custom of eating dumplings for breakfast in Spring Festival


We had lunch. I was reading in the sun. My mother brought some flour, poured it into the basin, added water and made it up. Then he took the dough stick and began to roll the dough. In a short time, the round dumpling skin was piled into hills. Dad took the dumpling stuffing and half a bowl of water. Mom held the dumpling skin in her left hand and put the meat stuffing on the skin in her right hand. Then she dipped her right index finger with some water and turned around the edge of the dumpling skin, pinching and squeezing. A lovely dumpling appeared. Mom saw that I had been secretly aiming, so she asked me to make dumplings together Son. Don"t mention how happy I am. I cleaned my hands three times, five times and two times, and wrapped the stuffing on the skin like my mother did. But how to knead it? The dumpling skin just doesn"t obey me. It always has a big mouth. My mother smiled and said, "Wenhao, the dumpling skin doesn"t drink water. It won"t shut up." I suddenly realized that I quickly touched some water with my hand and turned around the edge of the dumpling skin. Finally, the dumpling closed its mouth. Time passed by, dumplings were quickly wrapped by my mother and I.


It"s so interesting to make dumplings for the first time. I"m looking forward to making these lovely dumplings next time. Have you learned?



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