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2022-02-03 16:30:01



In fact, a person"s moral character can be seen through a small matter.


Just at the beginning of school, I"m going to buy a correction belt. Through the introduction of a few friends, I realized that a kind of altered tape is very useful. But I didn"t know where to buy one, so I asked my friend Zhou Yuheng to buy one for me, and then gave him money afterwards. Zhou Yuheng agreed. After a few days, I went to him and asked him if he had bought it. He didn"t buy it for me. He said he would buy it for me, but more than a week later, he still didn"t buy it for me, so he said angrily that he didn"t play with him, and he didn"t want to buy the altered tape. I was very angry at that time, thinking: I played so well with him, and he also promised, but he didn"t help me a little bit, what a friend! Later, I learned that my classmate lishihui also knew where to buy the alteration belt, so I asked her to help me buy it. As a result, she brought the alteration to me that afternoon, and I paid her immediately.


It"s such a small thing that I can"t forget. Is it so hard to keep faith?



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