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2022-02-04 17:50:01


那是在一个鸟语花香的早晨。我正在晨跑,小明向我跑过来,说:“我们一起打篮球吧!”我一听是打篮球,就二话不说的答应了。接着我们就去找人。分成了两队:蓝队:我,小明,小白,小李 ;红队:小刚,小环,小杰,小欧。

It was a morning of singing birds and fragrant flowers. I was running in the morning. Xiaoming came to me and said, "let"s play basketball together!" when I heard that I was playing basketball, I agreed without saying anything. Then we"ll find someone. Divided into two teams: blue team: me, Xiao Ming, Xiao Bai, Xiao Li; red team: Xiao Gang, Xiao Huan, Xiao Jie, Xiao ou.

比赛开始啦!由红队先发球,红队一马当先,给我们一个下马威。接着,红队的小欧盯了我们一下,像是在挑衅。我们队的小明火冒三丈,连续投进了五个球,可不幸的是,他跑得太猛了,腿受伤 了。我们真是赔了夫人又折兵啊!他们呢,像只刚睡醒的狮子,只要大吼一声,就把我们震晕。

The game begins! The red team serves first, the red team takes the lead, and gives us a lower horse power. Then, the red team"s little Ou stared at us for a moment, as if in a provocation. Our team"s Xiao Ming was furious and threw five goals in a row. Unfortunately, he ran too hard and hurt his leg. We lost our wives and lost our soldiers. They are like a lion just waking up. If they roar loudly, we will be stunned.


In the first half, the red team held us down 50-69. If it goes on like this, we will I dare not think about it any more. Xiaoming said to me, "don"t be afraid, even without me, you will win if you unite!" yes! Unity is victory!


In the second half, we were very aggressive and beat the red team to pieces. Win them 125-119! Look, they"re like a defeated rooster. They"re all downcast


This time not only felt the fun of basketball, but also learned a truth: unity is strength!



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