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2022-02-05 16:00:01



Novel coronavirus is a boring New Year"s phenomenon because the advent of the new coronavirus has stopped the old customs and relatives.


Every year on the first day of the lunar new year, I go to the cinema with my sister. But because the cinemas are crowded with people and the air quality is extremely poor, so it stops. This terrible virus spreads so fast that hundreds of people increase every day. Every day, many people die because of this terrible virus. This terrible virus mainly comes from a kind of wild animal bat, because of some human beings Greedy, leading to the whole China to accompany it, the virus can be contacted through the air and skin, so when it was not very serious in those days, everyone didn"t care. Later, the epidemic spread very fast, which made us all defenseless.

我们一定要保持个人卫生,呆在家里,勤通风勤洗手 ,不要去人员密集的场所,这样疫情才会消失。我们才能安全的从返校园。

We must keep personal hygiene, stay at home, ventilate and wash our hands frequently, and do not go to crowded places, so that the epidemic will disappear. We can return to campus safely.



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