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2022-02-07 10:05:02


这学期结束了,我收获了很多新知识。我从一个不懂事的孩子变成了一个有知识的少年。 我学会了语文上的修辞手法,从一篇毫无佳句的作文变成了一个丰富多彩的文章。我还学会了一些不会写的字,从读文章的不流利到现在变得流利而有感情。我从英语上有很多收获,从以前对英语这门学科毫无了解到现在对英语有很大的兴趣,我可以用英语介绍自己的爱好。在数学的海洋中学习了分数,学习了以前未知道的题型,数学的这些新知识可以帮助我解决生活中的"一些实际问题,对我的生活帮助很大。品社让我学会在生活中买东西货比三家,节约用水用电,废品分类变废为宝,节约粮食不剩饭菜,勤俭节约等等很多有用的小知识…… 而学习科学方面让我们学会了一些科学方面的知识,在生活中有很大的帮助。

At the end of this term, I have gained a lot of new knowledge. I changed from an innocent child to a knowledgeable teenager. I learned Chinese rhetoric, from a composition without good sentences into a rich and colorful article. I have also learned some words that I can"t write. I have become fluent and emotional since I didn"t read the article fluently. I have gained a lot from English. I didn"t know anything about English before, but now I have a great interest in English. I can introduce my hobbies in English. In the sea of mathematics, I have learned scores and questions I didn"t know before. These new knowledge of mathematics can help me to solve some practical problems in my life, which is very helpful to my life. The product agency let me learn to shop and compare goods in my life, save water and electricity, turn waste into treasure by classification, save food without leftovers, and save a lot of useful little knowledge And learning science lets us learn some scientific knowledge, which is very helpful in our life.


I have benefited a lot from this semester"s study. We have become a little girl with knowledge and gratitude.



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