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2022-02-07 16:35:02


生活中吧, 总会发生各种各样的事情。很多时候,我们自己也会有做错一些事情的时候啊。毕竟人无完人, 我们每个人都不可能是十全十美的,多多少少都自己身上都会有一点的缺点。或是自私,或是骄傲,或事傲慢,这些都是有可能发生在我们身上的。可最怕的不是你不知道自己的错误,而是你知道了自己的错误还不去改。

In life, all kinds of things happen。 A lot of times, we can do something wrong ourselves。 After all, no one is perfect。 We can"t be perfect。 We all have some shortcomings。 Or selfishness, or pride, or arrogance, these are likely to happen to us。 But the biggest fear is not that you don"t know your mistake, but that you know your mistake and don"t change it。


Yes, knowing a mistake can change nothing, but the saddest thing is that you know your mistake clearly, but still don"t repent。 Then it must be very difficult for such a person to walk in the future, that is to say, the so—called dead duck has a tough mouth。 Most of the time, what we need most is to ask for advice。 After all, no one is perfect, and what we need to do most is to learn from each other"s strengths and make up for their weaknesses, because everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages。 We can"t always look at other people"s shortcomings。 We can properly put forward the shortcomings of the other party and let the other party modify them。 Remember to put forward the shortcomings of the other party from the perspective of goodwill。 But a lot of times, there are always people who put forward shortcomings to us。 While we always focus on other people"s shortcomings, we also need to be clear about some of our own shortcomings so that we can correct them in time。 Shortcomings are like a habit。 We have been used to the occurrence of these shortcomings, but we need to uproot the grass to solve the root cause of this matter。 Otherwise, the shortcomings of our whole life will make us more and more wrong。 Although we can"t correct all our shortcomings, it"s also a good thing to make ourselves a little better。 But what we are afraid of most is that some people, instead of being modest, think that others have put forward your shortcomings。 They look down on you and want to //www.yuwenmi.com/picings slowly。 They can always get better slowly。 The road is long, but they can always go by。


Therefore, in the face of other people"s reminders and mistakes, we should not be angry, but should be open—minded with each other for advice。 Only modestly asking for advice can make our life better and better。 Don"t make too much of your attitude towards others。 Be modest and make our life better and better!



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