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2022-02-11 08:50:01



In this wonderful world, in fact, each of us is a small individual. The individual exists in the world. The human heart is separated from the belly. We have only one heart that is always jumping. The heart that is only jumping for ourselves is stored in the position of the left chest. What we also hide in our heart is ourselves. Every time we think subconsciously, we are naturally biased towards ourselves.


Since we are all a single individual, then we are also a lonely walker on the road of life. Doomed, also will be lonely for a lifetime. Please never blame others for not helping you. There is no way. There is some selfishness hidden in our hearts. It is necessary that people do not take the blame for themselves. Never blame others for not caring about you. In this society, our own interests are always the most important. Our most concern is always ourselves. Before our own interests, other people"s affairs are nothing at all. Living in this indifferent world, we are doomed to develop a heart, an invincible heart, a heart that can protect ourselves and protect ourselves from harm. Walking in this world, we are doomed to practice a heart that can block the wind and rain in the world. In this world, there will never be people who really understand you, because everyone"s living environment is different, their habits are different, and they are doomed to have different thoughts. What really understands you is always themselves. No matter how painful you are, you should always bear it in silence, because this is your way to the strong, doomed to go. They don"t understand how painful it is when a stone hits our own feet, not others" feet. They just care about us at will. Life is like drinking water, you always know how your life has been, whether you are happy or sad, this is also the way you choose, no one can blame. Who can really help us? Always be yourself. Others have their own lives, and each individual has a different life.

这就好像我们走在大街上,看到的"陌生人是不一样的。或许你有什么小困难,摔在地上的时候,会有好心的路人来扶你一把。可这个好心也就是仅限于此了。因为大困难,所有人都不会帮你的,能做的也只是一点微薄的力量而已,真正的要依靠的还是你自己啊。毕竟没有那么多无私的人, 能牺牲自己奉献自己来帮助一个和他没有多大关系的你,这样的人很少。我们也不能要求别人这样去做,因为别人帮你是情分,不帮你那是本分。我很看不惯那些痛了就哭,怕黑就开灯的人,很多事情吧,总是要自己一个脚印一个脚印慢慢熬出来的。没有人能帮的了你……

It"s like when we walk on the street, we see different strangers. Maybe you have some small difficulties. When you fall on the ground, there will be good passers-by to help you. But this kindness is limited to this. Because of great difficulties, no one will help you. What you can do is only a little power. What you really need to rely on is yourself. After all, there are not so many selfless people who can sacrifice themselves to help you who have little to do with him. There are few such people. We can"t ask others to do this either, because it"s the duty of others to help you, and it"s the duty of others not to help you. I can"t stand those people who cry when they are in pain and turn on the light when they are afraid of the dark. Many things, they always need to make their own footprints slowly. No one can help you


Why? Because all of us must live independently in this world. We can"t rely on anyone, but we can rely on ourselves. If others don"t help you, you can"t ask for it. She has her life. Everyone"s life is different. It comes from their own way of life. How others want to live is others" business. All we can do is try our best To change ourselves and make ourselves better and better, because each of us is a lonely walker on the road of life, there are many sceneries out of the window, but none of them belongs to us, and we can"t stop. What we can do is to let our own capital to fight against the wind and rain resistance brought by this life, so that we can make this road of life better and better



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