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2022-02-15 12:20:01



This day, when we were having Chinese class, the sky suddenly became dark. Only saw the monkey king soared the clouds and came to our teaching building. The students in the class are very surprised. Isn"t this monkey king? Why is he here? Will it hurt us?


Who knows that monkey king not only doesn"t hurt us, but also plays with us, which makes our class lively and interesting.


This afternoon, when we were playing games with monkey king, a group of people came to our school with knives and arrested the guard and all the teachers. These people shut all our students in the classroom, not only tied our hands and feet, but also stuffed our mouths with cloth. Where is monkey king? Monkey king turned into a mosquito and flew out of the campus to ask the police for help.


After Monkey King came to the police station, he told the police the situation. After the police got to know the situation, they set up a rescue team to discuss how to save people. Sun Wukong"s eyes turned and he thought of a good way. He asked the police to feint at the school gate and turn the kidnappers" attention away. He turned into a mosquito and flew into the classroom. When he came to the classroom, he changed back to the original and took the children away. After we were safely transferred, the police uncles caught the gangster.


Therefore, the police gave our hero, Monkey King, a glorious banner.



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