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2022-02-17 14:25:01



Now, patches of forest became less factories. Endless grassland into desert, limpid streams into a muddy gutter, beautiful grassland into a barren desert. Why? Why is this? This is because people caused by deforestation.

The earth is home to the survival of people, and the human is continues to destroy it, people cut trees have purify air, reduce noise and adjust the temperature, and other functions; Being pulled out of the grass and people to remove the flowers to beautify the environment. You imagine, if it were not for the plant, our living environment?

These days, many wild animals has become the plate of food, fine furniture, gorgeous dress. You think about these wild animals to buy me a life brought a lot of fun, without these lovely animals, our life will become special boring. Rose up in the morning, can"t hear the birds chirping and crisp sound, can"t see the kitten doggie smile to you, can only see the strange and hard faces, that is bad!

Let us join hands together to create a beautiful home! Let us see the mountains again, flowers everywhere, singing birds, vibrant scene! Let our life more beautiful environment, more interesting. Let the flower and grass fragrance our lives "to protect the environment, everyone duty", believe in the near future will be a new world, we create a beautiful earth. Everyone must do "protect the environment, everyone duty."






The classmates, you might think a little convenience bag, no pollution, this you are wrong. A small convenience bag can also be water pollution.

In every household in baicheng almost a year in more than 100 convenience bag. If only more than 100 households in baicheng, convenient to use every year about ten thousand bags. We think about let"s light has 100 households in baicheng? At school, I have to take a fruit every day. But the fruit of the outer packing is a small plastic bags which convenience bag to the environment pollution is very serious. And we generally just one-time use it. Used the bag into the junkyard. But most have been put into our nature.

I want people to use less some convenience bag to bag and reduce the white pollution, please take good care of our home, save the earth mother to live!






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