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高二年级英语作文my hobbies

2022-02-21 10:20:01

高二年级英语作文my hobbies

I have many hobbies, but my biggest hobby is to look at books.

Every day, I got home, the first thing to do is to lay down their bags to read, see at 5:30 a.m. every day, began to do my homework. Homework finished, what also not stem, or reading a book, didn"t go to bed until half past nine.

Weekend, don"t do my homework on Friday, spent a night in reading, where is mom and dad took me to play, I don"t do it. I have fully integrated into the book, and those people enjoy the joys and sorrows together, play together, play together. Because I like reading, so dad in my head of a bed with the words "small fans", also beside my bookshelf with a "small house", and I often roam in the ocean of the book, often immersed in the book. How much I love reading, the book like fairies, inspired my brain. Don"t know why, dad and I, also like reading books, we become "shy", and the mother is not our infection, still as before and lively, active, particularly lovely.

I love reading, often hum ditty includes: "I am a small fan, love reading, love to write notes, I am a happy little fans..."







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