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2022-03-05 17:15:01



The day before the summer vacation, the teacher in charge of the class told us the last Chinese lesson. It was very interesting. Everyone listened carefully. By the end of the class, the text had been finished. After class, the students all ran out to play. There are few people in the class. I was wondering: if I would not come to school for two months in summer vacation, would I miss the teachers and the students? Just as I was in a daze, the class bell rang again. It turns out that this is a math class. I took out all my math stationery and just got ready when the teacher came in. Mr. Jin said: This is the last math class he gave us this semester. Near the end of class, the teacher said to us: students, do not go out alone during the summer vacation, do not go to the swimming pool alone, if you go, you must be accompanied by your parents. Then, have a good summer! After listening to Mr. Jin, the whole class stood up and said "thank you teacher" and then class was over.


Finally, we have a self-study class. This class is mainly for the head teacher to give us summer homework. At the end of the class, the students were very happy because it was summer vacation. But, think about carefully these two months do not see teachers and students and my dearest school how to do? I think I"ll miss them...



公益活动作文300字 关于成长的作文450字 开心的一天作文450字 成长因挫折而精彩作文 今天我当家作文400字 与什么相遇作文600字 假盲人作文400字 心存感激作文600字 一件开心的事作文600字 我学会了什么作文四百字 以爱为主题的作文600字 从此改变作文600字 与春节有关的英语作文 抽打阴部作文 动物园一日游作文400字 总有属于我的春天作文 为六一做准备 作文 大爱无声作文600字 珍贵的礼物作文450字 成长中的美丽作文 一件有趣的事600字作文 今年高考安徽作文题目 以礼物为题写一篇作文 我的引路人作文600字 关于写事的作文300字 题目自拟的作文500字 我最尊敬的人作文400字 文明城市从我做起作文 关于孤独的作文800字 妈妈真辛苦作文400字