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2022-03-06 11:30:02



Today is my lucky day and unforgettable day, because today I learned to ride a bike!


Today, on my birthday, my mother bought me a brand new bike. I pushed the bike and hurried to show off to my friends. I think: what"s the difficulty of cycling. Thinking of this, I immediately sat on the bike and was about to start riding. Unexpectedly, I fell off the bike and threw a big bag on my head, which made my friends laugh. I felt so ashamed that I hurried home with my bike.


Back home, I hurriedly asked my mother to teach me how to ride a bike, so my mother started devil training for me. My mother told me to hold the handlebar first, and then to sit on the seat and push the pedal forward. I don"t know yet, so my mother has to hold the car in the back and push me forward. "Ah ah..." I didn"t master it at once and fell. I was so angry that I decided not to study. I"m going to leave soon. Mom said: "your training is not over yet. It"s just beginning. How can you give up? Come back! " I think: Yes! How can I give up easily? I turned around and went on learning. In a short time, my cycling method is almost mastered, and my mother doesn"t have to push me at the back. So I rode faster and faster, and finally I learned. Mom was sweating and panting after the car, but there was still a smile on her lips.


I pushed my bike confidently and went to show off in front of my friends. They envied me for being able to ride bicycles. They decided to let me teach them how to ride bicycles this summer vacation. Great, I can be a little teacher, too!


By learning to ride a bicycle this time, I learned to never give up on anything. As long as I have confidence, I will succeed. This matter let me know how great maternal love is!



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