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2022-03-06 15:35:01



What is it like to be loved? I said, "it"s like climbing on a rainbow bridge, narrowing the distance between people; it"s like bathing in a ray of sunshine, making people extraordinarily warm, comfortable and happy."


This experience comes from a ride.


That day, I went to Hangzhou by bus alone. There were so many passengers that I had to stand. The car kept bumping on the road, and after a while, I felt as if my stomach were tumbling to the sea. I immediately realized that I was carsick. I look like dirt, trying to restrain myself, thinking: if I vomited, what would the passengers around me think of me? How to deal with the pressure of soiling the bus? They will complain about me, and they will talk about me in private


At this time, an aunt probably saw my discomfort, immediately stood up from the position, helped me to sit down. I didn"t expect that as soon as I sat down, the food in my stomach rolled more violently. In an instant, the last thing I wanted to happen happened - I vomited out with a "wow".


An aunt sitting in front of me handed me the plastic bag, asked me to vomit in the bag. She also unscrewed the mineral water for me and said softly, "rinse your mouth, and it will not hurt to vomit."


At the terminal Wulin Square, the driver quietly cleaned the dirt on the ground


It"s much more comfortable to get off the bus and have a hairdryer. It suddenly occurred to me that there will always be a time when I get to the station, but the love between people along the way is like the most beautiful scenery in a window, which will always be fixed in the album of my memories.



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