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2022-11-11 09:48:01



What is the hottest topic this summer, there is no doubt that it belongs to the amusement show Where Do You Go, Dad, the show is such great success that everyone talks about it。 The show is about five groups of fathers and their children go to different places, learning to cope with each other。 The show reminds people of the role father plays in children’s growing up。


In nursing a child, the mother always takes care of everything, while father puts less care in nursing because of the work。 It is a natural situation for most of the families。 As the time goes by, mothers also need to go out for work; they want to share the equal duty with their husband。 Even the mothers go out for work, but fathers do not realize the duty they should take on their children, the traditional role does not change。 The show makes people realize that the father focuses too much work; they spend less time playing with their kids。 Seeing the fathers have no idea how to deal with their kids on the show, people laugh, fathers begin to realize they should take more time with their kids。


The show has great influence on the audience; fathers learn a lot from the show。 It is said that some fathers no more focus too much on work, they learn to spend more time with kids and be a good father。




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