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2022-12-08 04:09:02



It is believed in common that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it. Some people hold that natural scenes, especially at dawn, are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the afternoon when the playgrounds are flooded with students taking part in sports.In my opinion, the best scene on the campus is during the rush hour when thousands of students rush towards the canteen.

At precisely the same time as the bell rings, some students dash from the chairs, rushing to the canteen. They set the prelude to the most attractive scene of the whole day.

Within a few minutes, all the classrooms become empty and everyone starts their journey for lunch, on foot or by bike. It gives people the impression that lunch is the most important thing in the world. Most of the students move at the same speed,with the exception of several excellent cyclists. They shuttle smoothly in the crowds just like fish swimming freely in the sea.

On the way to the canteen, everyone looks anxious. But once inside, a look of pride and triumph takes over. Sometimes,it bubbles up in my mind that the rush hour hustle and bustle is the epitome of the intense competition in real life. If you want to realize your expectations, you must be armed with skills and knowledge, use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly, have a healthy body.



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