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2022-12-15 06:31:05



July was a very wonderful month for me. Because I had a chance to go to Singapore. It was the first time I went to a foreign country. So I had a special experience.

Like the old say, “There is no best in world, but there is better.” I knew it after I had been to Singapore.

Singapore is called “a Garden City”. The weather is warm the whole year. You can walk under the bluish green sky with white clouds in it, and you will be intoxicated with the sweet flowers and green trees and grasses. When you are having meals, a number of little birds will fly to your plate and share food with you. Singapore is a home for both human and animals.

The students in Singapore are talented. They are zealous, polite, brave, united and healthy. In the process of making friends with them, we learnt a lot from each other, although we were from different countries and spoke different languages.

The most profound thing to me is that the students from Human High School are honest. I still remembered the one day that they had to write from memory. They didn’t look around though they sat next to each other. I think it was very good though it was a little thing.

This travel in Singapore made me know a lot. I will never forget it.



三年级作文春天 家风家训作文400 我最爱的朋友作文 写母爱的作文结尾 写四季的作文800字 写校园人物的作文 17年山东卷语文作文 小学生优秀作文在线听 读书作文400字 作文400字 写同学的作文350字 新加坡旅游作文 关于友情的作文记叙文 作文下象棋300字 与文明有关的作文 化妆与本色的作文 我的乐园作文700字 关于献爱心的作文 放学路上作文800字 亲情类作文片段 写华山的作文300字 各地语文高考作文 爱是无形的作文 铭记作文600字 我穿越到了古代作文 八年级下第二单元作文 母爱的作文300字 秋天作文200 有关朋友的作文题目 介绍菏泽的作文