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2022-12-19 03:36:03



How to Make a Successful Intercultural Communication?

With the development of global cooperation and frequent world-wide activities, people can't help involving in intercultural communications. However, due to the distinction of their cultural background, sense of worth and languages, it's uneasy to make the communication smooth and successful.

There're several suggestions on how to make the intercultural communication carry the point. On the one hand, it's quite useful to learn some information on their culture, language and customs in advance, which will help you avoid embarrassment and miscomprehension while contacting others. For example, Japanese businessmen usually will behave more implicitly than Americans in the process of commercial negotiation. Knowing about this, you probably will negotiate with them in a different style. On the other hand, people should respect the customs of the opposing party and get rid of prejudice and stereotype. Of course, if your actions offend other people unwittingly, you'd better say apology and correct your behavior in time.

A successful intercultural communication is not only beneficial to improve bilateral relations but also could enhance understanding between nations. So we should work together to make it.



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