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2022-12-20 07:43:03





This year's Spring Festival is the most worrying Spring Festival I have ever had. As novel coronavirus broke out in Wuhan and spread rapidly to China, with the increasing number of confirmed cases and the increasing number of deaths, with the news constantly rolling, most areas were in a predicament of lack of materials, lack of medical care and lack of beds. All the pictures make me sad! I fell into the ice hole like a sudden, the struggle, the helplessness, the panic, there is no place to put!


There is such a picture that I can't help crying and thinking.


A nurse in Henan has been fighting at the forefront of the epidemic since the beginning of the new year, and has not returned home for more than ten days. The 9-year-old daughter brought dumplings to her mother, and she cried "Mom! Mom... " , and his mother in the hospital gate air hug, long time did not leave.


As a child of the same age, if my mother has been working in a dangerous place, if I don't see her for ten and a half days, I can't imagine how much missing and suffering I will have in my heart. It's infinite worry and concern for my mother.


There are tens of thousands of white clad angels who, like this nurse, give up their reunion with their families and fight day and night in the front line during the Spring Festival. They are all worthy of our praise and memory.


I salute the angels in white. In the face of difficulties, regardless of their own safety, they march forward bravely and sacrifice their lives to save people. We can at least hide at home to isolate the virus, but they have no way out. They are great rebels!


I salute the angels in white. They are not gods. They are just ordinary people. They are also the children of their parents, the parents of their children. Many of them have fallen, even died. They are supported by their inner social responsibility. They are the real heroes in my heart.


I salute the angels in white, their fearlessness!



New year's day, the streets that should have been full of traffic were a little lonely, with few pedestrians wrapped up tightly and wearing masks. It's all because of the new coronavirus.


"Why hasn't the mask arrived?" Mother often speaks to herself anxiously.


"Wild animals can't eat now!" During the new year's meal, the adults suddenly became very suspicious.


"So many more overnight." Every morning my father looks at the news and says.


This Spring Festival everyone is frightened by the new coronavirus. "


"To stay at home is to contribute to the country." With the development of the epidemic, more and more people have realized the horror of the virus, which has gradually changed from resistance to conscious action.


But there are such a group of people who know that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to the tiger mountain. They have become the most beautiful rebels in this winter, and they have gone to the front line of fighting the epidemic. They are not only unable to reunite with their families, but also stick to the front line of the game of life and death with practical actions.


The spread of the virus is terrible, from the first few people to thousands of people. There is no need to contact, the droplets in the sick population can make people infected. Doctors and nurses need to wear thick protective clothing, but even so, countless volunteers and medical staff fell down. But they don't regret it. They think it's a heavy mission on their shoulders.


Yes, not infected is to contribute to the country, but if there is no rebel, there will be no progress in fighting the disease. We will always live in the shadow of the virus. It is they who, regardless of the "small self", fight for the "big self", let us see the dawn of victory. Remember, we are celebrating the new year, and they are helping us through. No matter the medical staff with excellent skills or the volunteers who work hard, whether they are ordinary or not, they are doomed to be great at the moment when they go to the front line of anti epidemic, and they are doomed to be respected by everyone.


It's hard for a city with a population of more than 11 million to be closed during China's largest traditional festival. To this end, the people of Wuhan have made great contributions and sacrifices with the help of the rebels when they are infected at any time. In the fight against the flood in 1998 and SARS in 2003, a large number of rebellious people always went to the trouble to fight to the end. I believe that this time, the same is true. We will overcome the restless virus with the strength of unity, win the fight against the epidemic with the will of unity, and finally return the happy new spring atmosphere to the normal with the spirit of unity.


Salute the rebels! With you, I believe that this is a "unity war" that will win!



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