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2022-12-23 06:36:05




Recently, there seems to be a person infected with coronavirus all over the world!

If you don't want to be infected, don't listen to me.

(1) Less to crowded places.

(2) Wear a mask when you go out.

(3) Avoid close contact with patients with cough and fever.

Don't touch poultry. Wash your hands frequently.

(1) Wash hands with flowing water, soap and hand sanitizer.

(2) Don't go to the seafood market, live poultry market and farm.

(3) Do not touch wild animals, birds or their droppings.

(4) Do not eat raw milk, eggs, meat, must be thoroughly cooked, do not eat game.

The symptoms of people infected with coronavirus vary with the virus. Common signs include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and dyspnea. In more serious cases, infection can lead to pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, renal failure, and even death.

Now on the highway and off the highway, we have to check the temperature, that is, we are afraid that someone will fish in troubled water. If the infection is not found in time, it is easy for others to get infected. If it is found, it is necessary to take it away and isolate it.

So, if the students don't want to be infected with this coronavirus, they must prevent it with me!















I'm looking forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, I'm looking forward to the long-awaited winter vacation, because my family can go out to Beijing for a trip. But suddenly I heard novel coronavirus in Wuhan, because the shape of the virus is very similar to the crown, so it is called coronavirus. This is a new virus with strong transmissibility. It can be transmitted by people's droplets and touch, so many people are infected. Medical experts remind you not to go out at home. As soon as I finished listening, I asked my mother, "is mom very sick? Will she die? Are we going to cancel the trip to Beijing?" my mother replied patiently, "yes, the safest way to stay at home now is to contribute to the country."

The next day we were going to the supermarket to buy some necessities. As soon as we entered the supermarket, we saw the sign on the wall: "no masks in public places, no access to the supermarket". All the disinfectant on the shelf was robbed. We bought our daily necessities and hurried home, ready to live a life without leaving home.

At home, I watch the increasing number of confirmed cases, suspected cases and cases in the news every day. My mood is like a roller coaster. I stayed at home all day and didn't have any time. I either did my homework or read books to preview the next semester. Affected by the epidemic, our school opening time has also been extended, so I want to make good use of this time. I hope the epidemic will come to an end soon. I hope everyone can get through this difficult time. Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China! Come on, angels in white! I wish "the rebels" a safe return!





The new year's bell has already sounded. We have many good wishes for the new year, but the recent outbreak is hard to be happy.

(1) Country

As early as 2003, a virus broke out in a large area in China and swept the world at an amazing speed. It was SARS. SARS was an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by SARS coronavirus. At that time, it was not as developed as the current science and technology, nor as advanced in medicine. It was the first time that the world fought against the same virus and won the final victory The sister of a novel coronavirus has been fighting against us.

It has a fierce coming, wide range and fast spread, which far exceeds the spread speed of SARS. It has spread from dozens of cases to thousands of cases. The crazy spread of new virus has affected many places in China, and become the most serious problem in China, making many people pay their lives for it. The cause of the disease is an epidemic caused by wild animals in Wuhan, Hubei Province, which broke people's peaceful life and affected the hearts of countless people. Due to the rapid spread of the virus, Wuhan has begun to build a temporary hospital for leishenshan and huoshenshan.

Knowing that the novel coronavirus is spreading continuously, the more than 80 year old academician Zhong Nanshan went to the front line again. He was the first hero to fight SARS, and he was not afraid of the spread of SARS virus 17 years ago. He remembered that he said, "please send the most critical patients to us." He personally observed novel coronavirus, worked for 38 hours, and even collapsed in the ward. He led the team to find out a plan to prevent and cure SARS. For many years, academician Zhong Nanshan always adhered to the line. Now, in the face of Wuhan's new coronavirus, he ordered the sea god to be sent to the mountain again as a leader of the group of experts. The advice given by academician Zhong Nanshan was not to go to Wuhan, but he himself was the one. I also went to the forefront of epidemic prevention in Wuhan to pay homage to the rebel of No. 1 middle school!

(2) Daily

In recent days, I should have visited relatives and friends with my family to pay a new year's visit, but the virus has developed rapidly. Now it's time to make contributions to the society by staying at home. Through mobile phones, you can learn about the situation everywhere. For example, the village branch secretary yells in the loudspeaker every day, pulls the banner in the village, teaches the villagers how to prevent the virus, wash hands frequently, go out less, and not gather These are enough to prove the seriousness of the virus. But in this special period, the only thing we can do is to actively cooperate with the government and medical staff to arrange to stay at home. It has been said that not everyone is born with an angel in white, but with a white coat and thick protective clothing. Maybe they are also the little prince and princess at home, and the Pearl in their eyes. More understanding, more tolerance. Every time I see the news that the nurses and doctors are infected with the virus, my heart is particularly worried. They are really great and great Although we can't help the wounded and the dying just like the angels in front line, what we can do is to cherish every day and try our best to finish our studies.

Finally, let's join hands and work together to defeat the virus as soon as possible! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!











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