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2023-01-10 05:08:04




It"s about to graduate. This period of time from home to school come and go several times. People, it"s a collection of contradictions. If you want to go back to school soon when you are at home, after all, you will graduate soon, and you won"t have the chance to enjoy the flowers and trees in the school. But stay in school, want to go home, because many students have gone home. After the promotion, many students have gone home. Looking at the empty floor of the dormitory, I still feel lost. Every morning, I wake up to the water room and find that the water room is no longer as crowded as it used to be. Every time, I seem to be the only one.


Walking on the way to the library, walking on the way to the canteen, I saw those students rush to class. I know that in the future, we can only regard this as a kind of memory, a good memory forever. When I went to the library with my books, my roommates laughed and said, "how can I still feel like going to the library?" I said that I felt like a student only when I was in the library. Many things are more beautiful than reality in memory. I hope to graduate early when I don"t graduate, but I feel sad when I am about to graduate. In the process of looking for a job, I also have a lot of feelings. There were more than 10000 people signing up in Nanchang, most of them were graduates from colleges and universities in the province, which made you feel unprecedented pressure. I"ve been waiting in line for two hours. I"m tired and want to cry. But I know you won"t grow up without going through some. It"s a new beginning for me to walk into a strange city and go to a strange school. In the University, I have never been anywhere except once to Nanchang. I went there with many classmates. But in the process of applying for a job, we always have to go through many firsts. I firmly refuse to let my family accompany me, because I feel that I have grown up and can deal with some things alone, which is not only a challenge to myself but also an exercise to myself. It turned out that I could be alone. Although in the process of job-hunting, I encountered many difficulties, such as taking the wrong bus, being rejected by the teacher, failing in the preliminary examination and so on, but I finally solved them one by one. I have put a perfect end to this job-hunting trip.


In the future, I will continue to work hard, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I will try to move forward, like a sunflower, always facing the sun!



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