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2023-01-12 05:32:03
















我的缺点就是爱掉哭。呵,你可别笑,这也是我的爱好哩!宠物死了,哭!受欺负了,哭!考试不好,哭!看书看到感人处,鼻子一酸,又落下两排“金豆豆”。不过,我不觉得难为情。我很喜欢一句话“当笑则笑,当哭则哭,无须掩饰。” 坦荡荡的。
















妈妈常跟我讲:一个人只有知道爱别人、尊重别人,别人也才会尊重你。我是这样想的,也是这样做的。在家里,我是个懂礼貌的乖孩子,尊老爱幼,主动学习并承担力所能及的家务。在路边特别是见到老人向人乞讨时,我会把自己身上的零钱,送到他的手里。在帮助别人的过程中,我不仅有付出,还不断收获着爱心和感动。记得20xx年5月12号是举国上下难忘的伤痛, 四川汶川发生特大地震,全国上下团结一心抗震救灾,学校和社会各团体纷纷伸出援助之手踊跃捐款。













Time flies, and the three years of high school are almost over. Entering high school for three years, I step down, step by step, and step forward to the palace of knowledge. I am meticulous in my studies, and I have always been able to draw lessons from what I have done. In life, I am willing to help others and have a good relationship with my classmates and roommates. The character is lively and cheerful, concise and generous, deep to the teacher"s classmates" recognition. I love sports, take an active part in the sports meeting and win honor for the class. I am not afraid of hardship, I dare to work hard, and I always try to do well when cleaning. Is the teacher"s good helper, can solve the problem for the teacher, good at dealing with the dispute between classmates. During my three years in high school, with the help of my teachers and classmates, education and I trained and trained me to become a qualified high school student. I will continue to develop my strengths, correct my shortcomings and become a better person.

After three years of high school life, I step by step in mature, I am a very shy student, but very love learning, no matter when you see I"m always a learning efforts, actively explore, people who are not afraid of difficulties. I am meticulous with my study, and I have a good attitude to study, which is well received by my teachers and classmates. I love the class team, have a strong sense of responsibility, resolutely do not do harm to the class collective honor, not afraid of hardship, actively contribute to the class. I respect my parents and teachers, and I can accept my mistakes. Self-improvement and hard work are my life motto. I will be determined and strive towards my goal.

During my three years in high school, I have changed a lot. The passing of time has brought me into adulthood. I have matured and gained a lot. In my study, I fought hard, studied hard to cherish the little time, and made a positive speech in class. After class, I challenged my teacher and made me step forward in the hall of knowledge. In dealing with the student relationship, I have a good relationship with my classmates, constantly improve myself, and help my classmates to give positive guidance and encouragement in their study, and give meticulous care in life. In sports and sports, I actively participated in various activities, worked hard and achieved better ranking. As the class for the title, in the treatment of teachers, my dear teachers, set up good images of students, striving to increase the communication between teachers and students, active classroom atmosphere, improve the students" learning fun, I also actively obey the teacher in charge and the arrangement of the class committee. Is a good student in the eyes of a teacher.

In the three years since I entered high school, I have worked hard and studied hard. I am earnest and meticulous and like to study. I always read some famous books to improve my culture. In my life, I am willing to help others and have a good relationship with my classmates. I am cheerful and generous, and I am recognized by my classmates and teachers. I love sports and labor, and actively participate in the activities organized by the school. Not afraid of hardship, is a positive and enterprising student.

With the passage of time, the three years of high school life is coming to an end. High school life is tense and rhythmic. I have learned a lot in my three years of life. I have a deeper understanding of my country, and I love my motherland more. In the past three years, I have never allowed myself to seriously correct my shortcomings. I am friendly and helpful to my classmates, and I have dealt with the relationship with my classmates very well. I love labor, have a sense of collective honor, have management ability, and have been praised by teachers and classmates many times. In the future life, I will be more strict with myself, strive to grow my talents, and make myself a pillar of the motherland.

With the passage of time, my high school life is about to end. In the past three years, I have grown up happily and gradually. I have grown up a lot and matured a lot. I am serious study, don"t pass the defects in learning, to get (obtain) knowledge and fun from learning and also in the study of thought to get sublimation, achieved excellent results, recognised by the teacher, can have a good, tolerant tolerance from the heart. I am very friendly and friendly. I help my classmates to solve the difficulties in life and study and have a good relationship with my classmates. I also performed well in the sports meeting and made contributions to the class. Don"t flinch from setbacks. I"ll try harder in the future.







dear teacher,my name is **,i"m 12 years old,my intersts are performing,english,and reciting,i like stage,so my wish is to be an english speaking presider

as chinese saying,more haste,less speed,the passage of time is just like the flow of water ,which goes on day and night,so i"ll make good use of every second,and try my best to make my dream come true step by step!

my words:i dispose my own life to gain my own success!~




Junior middle school three year I learned a lot of knowledge, ideas have greatly improved than before, hope I can do a have ideal, have ambition, a man of culture, make their own efforts to the construction of socialist China.

I love my country, respect my teachers, unite my classmates and help others. I am a good helper and a good friend of my classmates. I am diligent, positive, and like to discuss and solve problems with my classmates. I often participate in various classes and extracurricular activities organized by the class school.

At home, respect the old and love the young, often help father and mother to do housework is the parents" good children, neighbor"s good example.

Of course, I also have a deep understanding of my shortcomings. I don"t write very well, sometimes I only have three minutes to do things. I believe that I can do better if I can overcome these problems.

I am a good character, cheerful personality, love life, have strong practical ability and organization ability.

After learning, I will go out of school. I cherish every opportunity to exercise and get along with different people, so that I can get close to the society, feel the life, and taste the sweet and sour of life.

I can consciously abide by the code of conduct for middle school students, take an active part in various activities, respect teachers and get along well with your classmates, concerned about love the collective, ready to help others, labor, willingness, taking physical exercise consciously often take part in and organize the inside and outside school organization of all kinds of class activities.








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