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2023-01-13 04:31:02



I spent my weekend with my cousin in those two days.You know it is really very happy with your realatives if you have been away from home for a long time.It will give you a feeling of staying at home.Be honest to say.

I miss my family so much recently,especially when I come across difficulties.Maybe being with my relatives is not the exact feeling as staying with my own family.But at least I will feel much warmer when I’m alone .

I think I must be grateful to my cousin because she loves me so much ,she gives me so much and she cares me so much that she is jist like my own parent .

But I don’t know how I repay her .So now the first job for me is studying as hard as I can.Then one day I will make my dream come true,I will have ability to turn back everything I owe to the people who love me.



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