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高考英语作文为自己穿衣 Dress For Yourself

2023-01-19 02:29:05

高考英语作文为自己穿衣 Dress For Yourself

Recently, a hot dressing style has sparked a serious debates on getting married easily style. People compare the different dressing styles of girls and come to the conclusion that what girls should dress to attract more attention. It is believed that the girls dress in cute style will be favored by most men and get married soon. Some women criticize the dressing opinion and they emphasize that they only dress for themselves instead of pleasing men. Women’s dressing style is a beautiful scenery, no matter where we go. But it is the women’s right to make their own choice. They can dress as they like and make themselves look confident. It is rude to define women by their dressing style and they don’t need to please anyone.




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