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2023-01-21 02:29:03




Today, the neighborhood committee organized us to visit the Tongshan Road Fire Brigade.


First of all, we visited the fire truck. There are ladders and fire hoses on it. Then, we visited the dormitory of the firefighter"s uncle. Their dormitory was clean and tidy. We also saw them fold quilts, which are square and square, like tofu. It was supposed to be a drill, but they got a fire call and went out to fight the fire.


We learned a lot today.



No matter in the hot summer, or in the cold winter, no matter in the day or in the night, where they need them, they will put out the fire immediately and quickly. Whether it"s raining cats and dogs or in the fierce sun, firefighters are also at the scene.


They are always so serious and strong in their work. No matter how arduous the task of fighting fire and saving people is, they will not waver or be weak



"Fire! There"s a fire! " A shout woke me up. I rubbed Meng"s sleeping eyes and looked out of the window. Ah, the small bungalow opposite Aunt Wang"s house was burning! The blaze devoured the bungalow like a demon, and smoke poured out of it. The fire grew fiercer and fiercer, but it didn"t come out. We all sweat for Aunt Wang and her family.


When everyone was worried, Aunt Wang and her family escaped peacefully. It turned out that when the fire hit, Aunt Wang did not panic, but calmly soaked the quilt and cotton padded clothes in her home with water, wrapped them around her body, covered her mouth and nose with a wet towel, and escaped a little later. After a while, the firemen came, and they put out the fire immediately.


The reason for the fire is that the inflammables in the house are burned. Although it"s small, the fire is not small!


There will be hidden dangers around us. Students, we should keep fire safety in mind!



Today, the neighborhood committee organized us to visit the Tongshan Road Fire Brigade.

首先,我们参观了消防车,上面有云梯、消防水带。接着,我们参观了消防员叔叔的宿舍,他们的宿舍又干净又整齐。我们还看他们叠被子,被子方方正正,像豆腐一样。本来还要看演习,但是他们接到了火警电话,都出去救火了。 今天我们学到了很多知识

First of all, we visited the fire truck. There are ladders and fire hoses on it. Then, we visited the dormitory of the firefighter"s uncle. Their dormitory was clean and tidy. We also saw them fold quilts, which are square and square, like tofu. It was supposed to be a drill, but they got a fire call and went out to fight the fire. We learned a lot today



Our school will hold a fire drill this afternoon.


The teacher said that if there is a fire, we can escape to the bathroom, sprinkle water on the wall, wet the wall, and plug the door with a wet cloth to prevent poisonous smoke from entering; if I want to rush out of the fire, I need to wet the quilt on my body, and then rush out.


In the first drill, there was no smell on the stairs. In the second drill, there were many bad smells on the stairs. We took out the prepared small towels and folded them into four layers to protect the mouth and nose. Then we ran down the stairs in order to reach a safe place.


Through this fire drill, I can know how to escape from the fire scene and protect myself. I also remember the fire call "119".



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