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2023-01-22 04:18:01



In the streets in public rest-rooms we can frequently find the marks of sputum. They are from some cool people’s casual spitting. These people not only spit casually in the streets but also do it in the dressing?rooms office rooms or meeting rooms. It seems that they are not restricted by any people or any rules and they do not care whether it violates the social morality or not.

However they should realize that spitting casually is uncivilized and immoral. It is also a reflection of stupidity and lagging behind. In addition casual spitting does harm to public health. It can spread pathogen of infectious diseases and endanger other people’s health. The sputum on the ground will become dry and float with the dust into the air. When they are breathed into human body and pervade to a larger scope they will cause the transmitting of many diseases.

Now China is advocating the social morality construction. But casual spitting strongly violates the social morality and will influence our international image. No matter it is in the cities or in the country this kind of bad behavior should be completely stopped. And good habits should be fostered from childhood. So in order to protect China?s international image and keep us healthy please do not spit casually!






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