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2023-01-24 05:14:02



The happy ten minute break is over again. The next one is Chinese class. Chinese class is open class for teachers from other schools, so we should use courseware!


Class has been very successful, but, when the class was ten minutes, the computer suddenly shut down! Another look, the light "click click" to flash a few times, but also out. This is the evening. I can"t see my fingers in the classroom at this time. "Ah!" Several timid schoolgirls cried. At that time, the headmaster was also present. She organized the students with trembling and panic voice: "hurry up, the first three rows go to the front door, the last three rows go to the back door, and form four columns quickly!" "Headmaster, I don"t need to. I can invent bright water beads. They will be invented soon!" He said and fiddled with his gizmos. At this time, Mr. Yan, hearing the news, saw the scene of chaos and couldn"t help jumping underground. "Look at me!" At the critical moment, he finally stood up. He threw the bright water beads into the air, but the beads went out again before long. "The Dark Lord!" "It"s the Dark Lord," said don Didou firmly With that, he took off the red scarf and contacted the prince of light:“王子,王子!黑暗魔王又来我们学校捣乱了!速到速到!”

"Prince, Prince! The Dark Lord is making trouble in our school again! Speed to speed!"



30年后的我作文 安昌古镇作文 作文我的好朋友500字 北京作文培训 抓周作文 龟兔赛跑英语作文 介绍自己的作文400字 收拾房间作文 我的同学作文800字 关于背后的作文 我的父亲作文800字 迈出这一步作文 写人作文550字 机智的我作文 写景的作文150字 关于油菜花的作文 以暖为题的作文 描写家乡风景的作文 滑冰作文600字 篆刻作文 作文成功之路 环境与健康作文 美在路上作文 语文考试万能作文 写景的作文五百字 假期游记作文 作文小白兔100字 班级大扫除作文 默默无闻的人作文 爱我国防作文