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2023-01-28 05:52:01



Now a lot of students go to school in a hurry so that they have no time to have breakfast. But not having breakfast will do harm to their health and their study.

Having no breakfast will throw the normal work of our digestive system into confusion. As a result it will do harm to our health.

And at our age it is high time for us to grow up. So our bodies are in great need of energy. If we don"t have breakfastthere will be not enough energy to supply.

This may stunt our growth.

What"s more it is a long period between breakfast and lunch. Breakfast provides us with the energy needed for the class.

Without breakfast,we cannot get along well with our classes. So for the sake of our health and our study we must have breakfast.


With the rapid development of the societymore and more people are busier with their own work.They have so litle time that they can"t spare too time on cooking.

As a resultthe fast food become more and more popular.It all because that fast food are convenient.

Howevereating fast food have so many disadvantages.Above allit can"t provide enough nutrition that we need.

Besideswe may get fed up with the fast food as we eat it for a long time.We can"t always have the food that we want.

In order to ameliorate the fast foodI think the variety of the food shoud be increased.

Vagetables and meat should be included at the same time and it must be clean enough for the customers.


As a coin has two sides western fast food has both benefit and harm.

Just as Chinese fast food also has some fried cuisine western fast food does have some low-calorie and nutritious dishes such as vegetable soup and salad.

What"s more the western food restaurants such as KFC and McDonalds have strict quality control guarantees to provide safe and healthy food for the customers.

Therefore we can not criticize the westem fast food as junk food.

Western fast food =Junk food

I think we need food for energy just as a car needs fuel. A balanced diet is important to one"s health.

However now more and more people especially the children crowd into the western fast food restaurant such as KFC and McDonalds where hamburger and French fries are served.

In my opinion the western fast food is just a kind of junk food which might lead to chronic food security problems.

Many people in westem counties are becoming increasingly concerned that the fast food diet is a major contributor to serious health problems such as obesity and heart disease.

Westerners are changing their habits accordingly. so what about ourselves?


Fast-food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children, teenagers and white-collars.


There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it"s so convenient that saves a lot of time. Your just need to go into a fast-food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in time. Second, you can have many choices, various collocations of food. And you can eat it there or take it away. Third, the environment of fast-food restaurants is both clean and comfortable.


However, in terns of nutrition, it is usually not a balanced diet and low in nutritional value. Usually, fast-food is rich in sugar, so that regularly eat fast-food may cause obesity.


Fast-food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. But for people, especially children, eat fast-food as little as possible.



In present-day China, fast food is so popular, especially among children and teenagers, that it can be seen in every big and medium-sized city. It’s even difficult to think of any other single thing that represents the fast pace of modern society in the way that fast food does. Some people think it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal—saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. In their opinions, its popularity is also attributed to the restaurants’ clean and cozy environment, excellent service, and guaranteed quality of food and drinks.


However, others maintain that fast food is usually low in nutrition and can’t be regarded as a balanced diet. For example, doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Besides, although cooking at home is time-consuming and the following washing-up tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body needs and likes.


As far as I’m concerned, fast food is not my best choice. For one thing, I prefer traditional spicy Chinese food. For another, being engaged in the work all day, I may spend one or two hours to prepare my favorite dishes to ensure myself a nice rest. As a result, fast food is only a good choice when I am in a hurry and resort to it once in a while.



Fast food becomes more popular now, especially among the teenagers and the children. Why do so many people like fast food?


For one thing, it"s very fast and convenient. It always serves in no time, so we can either eat it in the restaurant or take it away. For another, because of the different ways of cooking, it looks nice and tastes delicious. What"s more, the service and environment is good, so that we can have our dinner in a happy mood.


However, in terms of nutrition, it"s far from satisfactory. Most fast food is junk food. It contains so much sugar and fat, which makes us put on weight so easily. Since the westerners have the fast food every day, most of them have heavy weights, high blood pressure and bad teeth.


Therefore, I suggest that we should eat less fast food but more nutritious dishes.




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