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2023-01-29 06:09:02




I have a beautiful and hard-working mother.

Mother's hair is inclined bang, long curly hair, ear lobe greatly, there is a hole! Estimation is wear earrings. Mother fine eyes, small nose, mouth, small and exquisite.

My mother also boast. When mother bought new clothes will say to us: "beautiful?" We occasionally glance at replied "general" she didn't say anything, because she had already familiar.

My mother some bad temper, she very fierce when the mood is bad, remember the last time I ask her: well mom this thesis how to write ah, she is very fierce of say: cannot go as documents by yourself, "I don't know, go away!" I think mother like a "bitch", I was so sad.

Although fierce, but my mother attaches great importance to my study. Me exam, my mother will be hanging from the contented smile on his face, even will reward me, I got bad, mother will carefully explain my wrong topic, until I understand, I suddenly felt very guilty and ashamed.

I said that mom is very industrious beginning? Said I'll give you about my mother how industrious: my mother bear the all the housework every day. My mother want to go to work, she also try to do the housework. My mother do the housework wholeheartedly, not half-hearted.

This is my mom, though a bit rude at ordinary times, but, I know my mother's heart is very love me.


妈妈的发型是斜刘海,长长的卷发,耳垂大大的,还有一个洞呢!估计是戴耳环时弄的。妈妈眉清目秀,不大不小的鼻子 ,嘴巴小巧玲珑。







I have a very kind mother.

She has short black hair, dark hair, mixed with a few strands of white hair. With the eye excessive, so collapse collapse of the bridge of the nose with a pair of red frame glasses shelves. A mouth any mathematical smart answer can say it. Is a little short. In the eyes of others, she is not beautiful, but she is very beautiful in my heart is very tall.

One evening when I came home from school, raining hard. Fellow students parents to meet, the remaining few students in the classroom. Mother arrived in a hurry to work from the unit at this moment, I'm glad to hide in under the umbrella of mother, we together with home. The rain under the bigger, but the rain do not pour me, good magic umbrella. My mother looked up and saw mom has more than half of wet body, the original mother always umbrella to stay on my side. I quickly pushed the mother's hand to her side, heavy rain shower to me immediately, and mom umbrella to stay on my side. At this time my face don't desire is tears or rain.

Another time, we are mother and daughter go out to play, I play is widely accidentally broke his leg. Mother immediately lowered himself to carry me to the hospital, I look at her thin, small body, said: "I can own hobbled walk, don't back." But mom does not agree, said: "not line, if broken, limping along can aggravate the condition." So her back all the way back and take me to the hospital.

This is my good mother, a very kind mother very love my mother.









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