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2023-02-01 02:39:04


自信是人不可缺少的一种正能量,因为自信,我们变得勇敢;因为自信,我们走向成功;因为自信,我们不畏困难。下面就是小编收集的英语作文, 供大家参考!


A person, when meeting difficulties may choose to retreat, may also choose courage; In a not sure idea, may choose to believe others, also have may choose to believe in self.

I'm not sure in mind, never can choose to believe in yourself, because I know, only one person to believe in yourself, can achieve great things dry.

It is a to my hearts vibrated in the afternoon, that day, our class held a third unit math exam, but doing doing the application that can be baffled me, at that time, my heart beat up a small drum, am I supposed to learn from other people's answers, or on their own to come. So, after passing notes, and began to write up according to the above answer, but halfway through, always don't feel quite right, so I hesitated, and this time, I choose to believe in yourself, because only believe in yourself, other people's answers are not reliable. Finally I write their answers down firmly, and at last the curly hair down, I have a look at by the way, I'm glad, at this point, I believe that more able to believe their own truth.

Another time, a sports meeting in our school, I was in because if they sign up, there are many students suggested I don't go. At this moment, I want to quit, but a strange force in my heart tell me, don't give up, believe in yourself, will be able to victory. Finally, my option is hungry to believe in yourself, in the game, I photographed, the final victory.

Sometimes, it is just a step difference between success and failure, can be found in their results differ so big. Believe in others, in my opinion, is the failure, believe in yourself is to succeed.

From now on, no matter how difficult, encounter difficult problem, I also want to stick to a truth - believe in yourself!








Confidence in yourself is the secret of success. Understand the essence of confidence, even is the fact that have emancipated hope.

Self-confidence is a kind of power. A potential, valuable, strong power, it can do some great cause of earth-shattering.

Self-confidence is the principle of life. A person can't be everything, no matter what difficulties, no matter how many failure after, to try to overcome difficulties, like no fear of pines, stand proudly.

Self-confidence is a kind of have a courage. , this is with passion, we can develop their own life path, and describe the colorful world of tomorrow.

How can have no confidence, goujian cut golden spear of the king's favorite? Without confidence, just how western qin east valley of letter and unify the whole country? Without confidence, how can 102 qin guan replace ambrose banner? How can have no confidence, genghis khan's fighters on the Danube land?

Self-confidence is the pillar of the failure, is the base to the success of a drink.


自信是一种力量。一种潜在的.、可贵的、强大的力量,有了它,就可以干出一番 惊天动地的伟大事业来。






Self-confidence, it is countless people shout in their mouth; Confidence, it has produced numerous historical figures; Confidence, it makes people feel happy and make people feel happy.

"Inherent my material will be useful, away still city" when li bai was banished due to offend the imperial concubine Yang, and he was so encourage myself. Confident that li bai have tenacious perseverance, although his ambition not implemented, but he became a famous poet.

When sima qian to after castration, is confident that he will "shiji" wrote out a brighter future work. If you have no confidence, there won't be a complete "shiji" in the world, sima qian is not likely to become a great man.

Without confidence, liu bang also could not have big, established the han dynasty. Without confidence, liu bang may only be a small TingChang, rather than the emperor gaozu later.








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