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2023-02-02 04:42:08




Everyone has a dream in the heart, but you know, this dream, turns out to be as the increase of age, and is becoming more and more great. What! ? You don't believe it! ? Then I can put my case to hear you!

Since I 6 years old, I have a dream, in my at that time, let me dream the dream. Imagine a little want to drool. That is when the candy store boss! As long as when a candy store boss, eat every day, won't someone tube. (it is just my naive idea as a child, the children do not eat more sugar! Will decayed tooth!) , of course, I want to be a candy shop boss not just want to eat sugar, there is also a useful -- just want to let other children admire yourself, when the candy shop owner, asked me for sugar to eat every day. I am a commanding position in many of the children.

At the age of eight, I gradually grew up. When I see so many children happy to play in the amusement park, a new dream, is when the director in the amusement park, carefree, free to play, let children have a happy every day, let their childhood fill in colors.

At the age of 10, I become mature, when I see a doctor to heal the wounded and rescue the dying every day, the in the mind admire another portion. So a great dream in my mind again. I fantasize about: I'm trying to help a pregnant woman to do a caesarean section, completed the operation, but also very well. Pregnant woman's family, well thanks to me, at that time, my in the mind to mention how happy. Since then, I'm determined to like this dream!!!!!!

Dream is not just to imagine, but also to do, as long as along the a dream, the dream will become true!







Everyone has a dream, or good, or beautiful, or pure. Of course, I am no exception, my dream is simple: just let parents and good.

That day, I look at the parents relations deteriorating, the don't want to hunch is produced in the heart, afraid of one day, the family will have differences, so, I secretly bought a balloon, blow filled with gas, at the end of the message I hung up the desire of note, to the day. Know heaven laugh at me or something is, however, the deterioration of the relationship between parents are more, until the arrival of that day...

The sky clouds, like the window has been with ink, black, from time to time there was a flash of electric snake and take up the heavy downpour going down. I listen to the parents angry, then a glottis ring, "murphy mother slam the door out?" I am the ominous presentiment. I walk into the living room and watched fragments of the broken bowl is on the ground, I don't live precariously, what seems to have lost in the heart, he ignored his father's eyes ran out to look for his mother.

I feel at this moment LeiGuang more loud, greatness is more fierce, the rain pattering fallen upon me. I find for a long time, for a long time, did not find the shadow of the mother, then, I stopped at a river side, at this time, total feel heavy with feet seem to have one thousand jins, couldn't help shaking. Suddenly, I have a phone flashes - not? I take out a cellular phone, immediately call the mother, however, at this moment the LeiGuang flash, my cell phone battery suddenly exploded.

Dropping my phone, tears finally fell down, and your feet a curved, kneel down. "God, why are you so ah. Even a harmonious home you also want to destruction, now, you exactly want how ah, very not easy. Very not easy to have today's aggressive, but, were you going to ruin! God, please let my dream come true! So..." At this time, there was a flash of thunder, I rolled into the water.

"Ha ha......" I with a wry smile, several wind and rain, have the result. A sad dream, not drunk drunk. Helpless things such as the frost. Helpless, helpless!










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