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2023-02-04 02:52:01




After school this afternoon, on my way home I met two American friends who lost their way. They forgot the way to the hotel where they stayed. As I knew where the hotel was, I decided to take them there. On the road, we talked a lot. I told them about the great changes in the city,such as the wider road, the more convenient transportation, the fresher air and so on. I also introduced that now Chinese students needn't spend most of their time on textbooks any more, because they didn't have as much homework as before. In their spare time, they could choose whatover they like to learn. The American friends told me something about the American youth as well.

It was late when I got home, but I was very happy. Because I not only helped American friends, but also realized the importance of learning a foreign language well.




Dear everyone,I think you aren't really happy every day,so I have some advice for you to keep happy every,if you finish,I think you can be very happy.Firstly,make sure that you pay enough time in your studing,because if you get good grades,you can be happy and have enough patience.Secondly,you 'd better join some clubs,a good club can happy you to be happy,and it can make you really health ,too.Thirdly,you could communicate with others,and you'll be happy after you communicate with your best friend.Why don't live some place quiet,and you can listen birds singing and dancing.It's really a good way to keep happy every day.I hope you have a good time recent


I feel that taking exercise is good for our health. I often felt tired when I was studying before. From this term I keep on running when I get up in the morning. After class I often go to play basketball with my friends. Now I feel much better than before and I never feel tired when I am studying And I improve a lot in my lessons. So please take exercise as often as possible .




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