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高中写A Flood为题的英语作文

2023-02-05 06:19:02

高中写A Flood为题的英语作文


A Flood英语作文一

The heavy rain has been pouring down all the time for there days. Not only fields but also villages have been fooded. Last night, houses were washed away by the flood and the villagers were in danger and struggling in the water, crying

for help. Just then the PLA men hurried over by steamboat, They did their best to save villagers and helped them to move onto the riverbank. The government for the villaders very much. Tents, food, clothes and medicine were sent to them without delay. Without the Party and the PLA men, a large number of people would have lost their lives ia the flood or died of hunger.

A Flood英语作文二

The heavy rain has been pouring down all the time for there days. Not only fields but also villages have been fooded.Last night, houses were washed away by the flood and the villagers were in danger and struggling in the water, crying for help.Just then the PLA men hurried over by steamboat, They did their best to save villagers and helped them to move onto the riverbank.The government for the villaders very much.Tents, food, clothes and medicine were sent to them without delay.Without the Party and the PLA men, a large number of people would have lost their lives ia the flood or died of hunger.


【高中写A Flood为题的英语作文】



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