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2023-05-03 06:52:11




The teacher is the silkworm, also is the gardener. But she is a mother, she is using her sweet milk feeding us, let we thrive and grow. I am to have such a teacher, she is my Chinese teacher - the teacher liang.

Liang teacher wants to see the progress of our dribs and drabs. Morning reaidng a day, the teacher is our homework seriously on the podium, when she saw the dragon's homework, revealing a delighted smile, also praised him in class: "yes, your handwriting is improving, hope you will continue to work hard, progress." Dragon heard later, apparently a little proud. The teacher is also very reasonable. A classmate, because there is no final and wept bitterly, liang saw hurriedly comfort him: "it's okay, as long as you do what you can be satisfied with a teacher, if there is any place is not important."

Beam or a responsible good teacher. Second grade just spun, our performance level is different, like a fragmented. The teacher in order to improve our grades, it took a long time. But because of long time to give us a lecture, the teacher's voice hoarse, the doctor ordered that she must have a good rest, don't talk much. But liang did not go according to the doctor's commanded to do, still came to school for our class. Finally everything comes to him who waits, our class grades have improved a lot. The teacher is not only responsible, but can seriously own small errors. Once in class, the teacher is reading the text, a classmate suddenly stood up and correct the teacher of a small mistake, the teacher not only not angry this classmate interrupted her to read the text, but also said to him: "thanks."

Oh, my dear teacher, to work meticulous, conscientious; Kind, caring to classmates. You said, she is not my idea of a good teacher?







A good teacher, and more than thousands of books. Today I also came to admire my good teacher.

My class teacher, she is our Chinese teacher. She loves to laugh, her smile is so friendly and approachable. Her daily work wholeheartedly teaches us to read, write, she like a mother to care and love us, teach us carefully. The flowers will sing of the sun, and I will sing psalms to our beloved teacher Chen.

Teacher, you are like a hard gardener, nurturing we thrive; Teacher, you are like a burning candle, illuminating us, run out of myself. Teacher, you are like a spit of moss silkworm, silent work, selfless dedication; Teacher, you are like a continuous spring rain, dyed green the world, and silently disappear themselves in the mud; Teacher, you are like a white chalk, shorten himself, education for the next generation.

Teacher, your love, like the sun warm, like a spring breeze warm, sweet to the soul like a clear spring. Because of you, the world is so beautiful, because of you, my life is so colorful.

Ah! My dear teacher, you're so great! We will always love you, admire you!










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