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2023-05-04 02:05:13




In even · contract-wise fate always affects me. Unrest throughout his extremely brief, but is full of twists and turns of young lives, with too much contradiction and complexity. To this, people can make a lot of evaluation, the tragedy of a small proprietors blind pursuit of personal interests; An aspirant destruction; A feudalism fighter sacrifices, and so on. Each have each view, but it is understandable. As far as I thought, said in a careerist individualism is good, but he is a man of the pursuit of happiness and misfortune down the wrong path is more precise. Natural this way is not simply take some back means of social morality, but from the back of his mind more ambivalent nature.

Even the life in the pursuit of happiness. He is birth, but it had the opportunity to with a good education, and with great wisdom, so he can these parisians in so-called high society. What is happiness, how to get happiness, it is confused with the problem of human thousands of years also confused us to connect. In his mind, there is no exact standards, happiness only in his shrewd, in his vigilance, one after another of his "battle plan" and its implementation. Him for the first time to get rid of the abuse of the fathers and happiness, for DE rainer to perform "kind of responsibility" and happy lady in front, for the pride of mathilde yield in front of your face and happiness, prosperity for again and again and happy as hell. He is eager to happiness, eager to the apprentice, he vowed would rather die one thousand times will thrive. To that end, he made one after another "battle plan", use all sorts of false means, his superhuman wisdom play incisively and vividly. But, after all, he is a good prospect, and so in every happiness, he will ask again, deep remorse. As a result, his plan will always loopholes, always let people suspect.

It is easy to find on the standard even in this kind of happiness is based on the standard for the society and others standards, the pursuit of others and social recognition. In essence, he didn't get much joy and happiness, on the contrary make him in a state of tension, just feel happy to the extreme, excitedly ran, a kind of "aspirant after implementation of ecstasy", just a moment of passion, the rest are thinking about and then should make a plan. The so-called happiness is just appearance, even sacrifice the essence for representation. When he thought. Rainer lady a letter has ruined his happiness, he thought of revenge, has finally been thrown into prison. In prison, on the contrary make him free from the bondage of society, free. He unloaded all the past and camouflage mask, find the true self, also found the essence of happiness. He gave up running away and appeal, to treat every friend sincerely, comfortable in the face of death.

For in the love even, we also with a strong interest in. Because on the success of the happiness then destruction are closely linked with his love. His two lovers, madame DE rainer and mathilde struggle with short life, so might as well to see respectively in even with two lover's relationship. In even and DE rainer lady love began to connect to the temptation of her. At first, he is only in the performance of the so-called "responsibility", this is a kind of noble Lord retaliation, a kind of vanity of satisfy. But DE. Rainer's kind, honest and gentle deeply moved in. A period of time, he is crazy about. Mrs Rainer. Various ambitions but this loving and was quickly captured, until finally, again.

To connect and mathilde love more is a kind of conquest and conquer the relationship, who conquered each other, will let the other side suffer from emotional. Mathilde rich nobles, and the pursuit of ideal, unwilling mediocre, quick-minded. All of these are attracted to. Mathilde for in the love even more due to don't give in front of her pride, dismissive. This is even accept cora soff it an interesting story to the recommendations, prince is especially prominent. Can be said to be jealous and loneliness make mathilde crazy to fall in love with to connect.

In even or invested. Rainer lady's arms and rejected mathilde. How much this let a person to the latter Ming gravamen, after all, she ignore his reputation and, after all he is desperate for the release of campaigning. But it is not a natural outpouring of this kind of love. And even with Germany. Rainer lady love is naturally. With her together, Yu Lianhui feel freedom and equality and independence. Stendhal, this is what I said "love of the mind" and "spiritual love" don't go. It was in the choice of stendhal himself trade-offs.

Like cao xueqin wrote a dream of red mansions, stendhal after finished the "rouge et noir" readers think there will be only after fifty years. He looked forward to the reader to solve the smell, and claims that his work is dedicated to a handful of happy people. After finished this little experience, looking back, I can't help but ask myself again, I am a man of a few happy then?












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