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2023-05-04 03:48:09


导语:国庆节是许多中国人肉血奋战得来的,是每一个中国人的骄傲 ,很多同学都会以此问题写英语作文,在下面是介绍,欢迎阅读,仅供参考!更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


"Villager!" "Bang, bang!" . Do you know what sound is it? By the way, the fireworks! To commemorate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, GongQing forest park specially held a grand of the National Day parade.

Just going into the park in the middle of the square, as shown in the dark sky flashed out colorful light. Ah! "Gorgeous color fireworks party" has already begun. Father took the camera to take this "precious" moment. Some of these fireworks is very beautiful, like pieces of blooming bud, some like spinning in the air flying saucer, some like a golden snake twisted up the sky and some like the sparkling stars in the sky, let me love love does not forget one scene. Quiet in the night sky, suddenly there was a few dragged tail "popular" across the sky, with the "on", those fireworks though thick golden falls from the heavens shake off towards the woods, the world a piece of glittering in the sky. "Look! Look! This is a 'gun drill day!" Cheers and cried, I couldn't help but to clap hands. Dad quickly got this wonderful moment with the camera filmed, seen from the photos, these fireworks shine like the cloud in the universe.

Finished watching the fireworks, my father and I went to watch the GongQing forest park and Shanghai fisheries university jointly organized the "celebration of the 65th anniversary of National Day, show students' special shows. What impressed me most is the martial arts performance water big students, simply as "three dozen bones jing" sun wukong in the journey to the west. See big brother door holding a "great", "wow, wow, wow" turn fast, I admire and envy them. I think if I learn martial arts, also saw the thief is afraid of.

The National Day is very happy for me, although not to the other place to play, but to see such a beautiful fireworks and wonderful performances, also satisfied.









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