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2023-05-04 04:15:15




You see! The fuzzy, a yellow dress. You listen to! The ringing a faint cry, you will be me, what is that?

Oh! This is a lovely ducks, it suddenly came in my life, makes me happy and clinking. It is like an angel awakened me happy and active, it is like a flower, gorgeous. It is a mischievous elf, made me laugh. It's a yellow dress like a little girl was wearing a skirt.

When it is hungry, I sprinkle a handful of rice, it's blunt come over, otherwise a hungry ducklings, like home and it rob to eat, later I will call the duckling name "coco" because cocoa is very attractive.

Cocoa to our home, much like a moment of "good friends". No matter where I go where he will like, if I was the mother duck. When I eat dinner, cocoa had climbed to my shoes, and fell asleep. It is not lying down to sleep, sleep nor lie prone to sleep, but sleep sitting like a warrior.

Cocoa are sometimes very lovely, that day, I in the bath, cocoa also follow me to run in. In order not to let it get wet, I put it in the door wouldn't let it come in. I think it will be around, but I didn't think cocoa didn't run, but obediently sat at the door, when I come out to play with it.

Coco has a good side, there is a fierce, my sister come to my house to see at a glance the lovely cocoa, he held out his hand to touch the cocoa that golden feathers, cocoa saw the intruder to touch its feathers, can use the long nose to peck sister's hand, sister pecked up crying.

Look! This is my favorite animal -- little duck cocoa.










I like the dog. When mom took me to the vegetable market to buy food, there are always a few small dog roaming in the vegetable market, I met them, then make them "wang wang" two, they listen to, just stare big watery eyes looked at me straight, seems to be saying "hello" with me, as a result, I have a permanent relation with a dog.

Today, my mother brought back from work a little dog, I am happy to jump three feet high, the joy can be as Columbus discovered the new world! Looked at the little thing, oh, the whole body hair smooth and soft, have black, white, pale yellow, mixed together, flower flower, sparkling in the sun.

His four legs grow very thick, also with a hei has a long tail behind, start to look in all directions, is very clever. I give it a nice name, called "shan". May be it's parents pass on to the puppy fussy bad habits. The puppy can be particular about your food. It every day to eat soup with rice, or you will drink milk; For the bread, it smell, turned and ran.

The puppy is very naughty. One time I just put the socks off down on a chair, the puppy saw, lift socks ran. I hurriedly put on shoes to chase it. Looking for a long time to find it under the bed. I lifted ZhuBian scare it, it let go of your voice yell at me, still faces in me!

The puppy also like to play ran into the yard. It in the flowerpot wrestling, holding the cuttlefish and swing, lead, fold it, you see, won't blow it, it is so lively and cute!!!

My friends, do you want to see cute and naughty little puppy? Then come to my house!











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