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2023-05-04 04:37:16




Mist scattered, and lack of confusion, dream, wake up the sleeping, also in the deep, beautiful note, I saw more than just sad so simple. .

Even don't know when is the mother, she and of being feifei is no longer tightly wound together. Young people at the age of seventeen, children face the fat has been replaced by knife cut lines like cute, he is no longer the nestled in her mother bosom attentive questions of children. In the face of such situation, the mother can only be a bitter smile, she sideburns have gray, how can remember as a teenager present the water clear bottomed out bright eyes?

Wade dense river, shimmering in a stream, that only the sleeping swan, let mother falling stands a lump to kneel in the shooting. Mother is hard to imagine, had the wind light cloud light to grow into young feifei said 1: children!

Mother's heart gave a shiver, it turns out that time really not chase.

Safely to the United States for the exchange students a year, the mother sent him to the airport. Hug goodbye, mother didn't notice his head can only place them in the chest, like hold a giraffe in the leg.

In peace in a long queue waiting for the passport check, mother like when I was a child, glowing yellow eyes follow figure inch by inch, move forward in peace, until, until the same, put him in full to the pupil.

At this time, the mother thought of a let her unforgettable story:

In calendula Banks, in turn his back to the mother's body, tightly holding the mother, agony and cried: mother in peace, also want to and mother together!

To broadcast a story on my mother's mind. Mother smiled, waiting, waiting for before disappearing back in peace. But after a long time, not in peace, not once.

Mom suddenly understand, the children in the eyes, she has fled in peace, her relationship, but is that the time dilute, fragmented. Mother stood in silence, now, she can do, just let it go. because

Some road, only a person walk.

This sentence is so simple and clear, it is tempting plumcakes with thought. Looking back on the shore, but never found times is not long, the parents just like the waiting for the child back glance mother. All because all men are mortal, they are at a loss, crave, only children to cherish.

To a kilo a mother's love is a common myth, the modern children may once again look back, you and your parents have become the ends of the living, of each other and became a shore forever.


















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