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2023-05-04 05:16:23




On the way of our life, every day is broadcast live. Some people, for their own ideal in constant struggle, constant effort. Yes, each people all have ideal, but empty ideal is not enough, we must to the ideal to strive, to strive, fell to climb up, but now and how many people can achieve their ideal? And how many people in the struggle for a noble ideal?

Some people say that the ideal and reality there is a distance, there is gap. Because of this, we will strive to achieve, to narrow the distance. If everybody has the ideal, for ideal to strive, then we will be more beautiful brilliant tomorrow.

This society, there are a lot of the unemployed, but that doesn't mean they're useless, doesn't mean they don't too hard for his ideal. This society, there are also many young people in the struggle for the ideal, but also has the most gave up, because they fell countless, finally lost self-confidence, when others succeed, think own ideal realized, thus no longer struggle, lost the fighting force. In fact, the ideal is no time limit, no limit, life is improving, we also want to try.

Path without a person's life will be smooth, if there are two ways to let you choose, one is flat road, is a rugged road, perhaps you will choose the first, you may choose the second, all of it doesn't matter, just choose the rough road will give you some fun, will help you to overcome setbacks, will make you more strong, and will let you choose the flat road life is calm and plain. There will always return, there will always be harvested, the key is to see if you have confidence in life, have confidence in myself.

I sincerely hope we can have a own ideal and strive for it. Make friends with failure, one day he will be able to sent you to success.








Ideal is the beacon life navigation, each of us should have their own ideal. A man once said: man without ambition is like have no incentive to ship, can only follow their wave. A person with lofty ideal, is also will feel happy in difficulties.

I am good man. My ideal is when a famous basketball player. Because I saw a story in a book, so I created this ideal.

Michael Jordan is one of my basketball idol, Michael Jordan is a known as "the basketball gods" magical figure. He once led the bulls to, won the NBA championship. Although he suffered from serious illness at that time, still led the team to complete the impossible things, become the NBA's tricks. He is not only the idols of the children's eyes, but also basketball fans in the eyes of a hero. He is the honor for the motherland heart and soul.

Of his demanding, moved me, so I try to be a basketball star, also want to enter the NBA.

I'll try and get into sports school, practice when you are free. As long as I work hard, you can.

The ideal wind, brings the life the most beautiful spring; The ideal rain, newborn seedlings watered; The ideal land, produced the most brilliant life.











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