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2023-05-04 05:54:08


导语:重阳节是中国的传统节日,是关爱老人的一个节日,许多人都会在这天回家里陪家里 的老人共享天伦,因此肯定会有许多难忘的回忆,那么就快点吧它记录下来吧,把它编写英语作文吧!欢节日之一迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


when night falls, travel car river, there's a lamp lights belongs to you, for you, have a warm heart slowly waded through...

The double ninth festival is coming soon, think of my grandmother and my aunt and my grandpa, hope they happy peace in heaven! Often think of them, rarely dreamed of them, and believe that there must be a happy be just fine when I was a bit head, grandma take me back, and my aunt took me together, my carefree childhood, I have a favourite with them, especially my aunt eccentric bias to come to me is the earth the person all know that the most unfortunately I didn't enjoy the blessing of their day to, in I haven't started to work to make money when they are gone, even though I always do what I can do for their buddhist practice over the years, always make up for the flaws in your heart... Still remember my aunt saw I said ah lui... Every day after school, secretly bought me cream small party also told cannot tell cousin... Grandma to persuade my cousin to go home New Year need to promise me conditions - to buy comic books to go kao flat olive, I agreed to go to... Grandma's colorful mariko, green group, sponge... In my memory that's unprecedented delicious go along with her...

The trees may prefer calm but the wind will not subside, to raise and kiss the son not in... Hurry up, spend more time with the old man in the home, talk with them, even more than a telephone call, later will be less a pity...








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