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2023-05-04 07:27:19




There are too many people in the life, I want to thank you, thank the teacher to my teaching, thank my parents for my care, thanks to a friend's support for me... These, all is I grew up in the river of pebbles, colorful, shiny, deeply engraved in my heart. Without you, I can't thrive, there is no now of I, and I want to thank, not ordinary people, but a stranger!

That's happened in the year before last summer, as you all know, in the summer, as the global warming, more hot!

School is over! For most students, the hope school is like a bird in a cage, looking forward to the sky (free), and I also is such, but in summer I would have very different. On the way home, dragging a heavy body, as if a ugly ball of fire on his head, parched the earth, air, earth scalding hot, straight steaming, as if in a big boiler. Dog listlessly tongue, drooping ears, tree wither the leaves... As if the world like I complain about the weather, this time I good want to eat an ice cream! Really want to quickly back to home! At this moment, in this humble, want to come! A fast driving motorcycles stopped me and said to me: "young man just from school, so hot the day you come I take you home!" After hearing what he said I lost in thought: who is he? I don't know, my parents taught can't listen to a stranger, but such a hot day! "What's the matter with children?" He again asked me amiably, I move: he was so kind is definitely not bad, say such a hot day, who would like to go through it, all the roses, who don't want to! No matter, go! It's not, I will get on the bus. Along the way, I silently, only pointed to the house where, did not ask his name.

I'm sorry, from then on, I never saw the stranger, also don't know his name. Here I show my deep gratitude to the stranger!









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