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2023-05-04 07:49:09




The sun is shining, the day qing qi shuang, to appear again.

Street much service for the old station, newspaper, radio began to promote how to respect love and support nursing homes, the hospital care towards several additional again.

Most of the old service station is sincere, also has a part is taken advantage of the sale of some of the so-called treatment instrument. Here just free for the old man made a simple body measurements, there are busy not fold out instrument shows the old man, exert all one's skill, eloquent, shi will make old people buy it.

Some units on the day of the chongyang, there must be a action, called send love to the old man, actually earn a reputation for the unit, send some erratic gifts, such as vision care instrument, the old man used in not to tube.

Will often have at ordinary times like things exposure of elder abuse, but 'homes or still want to open, just change the name to regroup. As for service quality have improved, and it is unclear. Based on the current social environment, a lot of families is a child, to our old age, due to various reasons, in the field, or children, or working relationship, or their own reason, too busy to care for the elderly, many people may have an opportunity into the nursing home to spend their twilight years, this situation how to don't let the human worry later?

Really care about the old man, don't just care about form, don't point during the holidays to express concern, do not need to use money and material to measure the degree of concern. Body outside, a text message, a phone call, as long as it is with sincere greetings, and the old man will be very happy. Economy is not very good, help the old man do the housework more at ordinary times, and the old man to talk, is also the best filial piety. As for the unit enterprise offer the love festival, really do something for the old people, less vain who are just along for the ride.











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