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2023-05-04 07:56:10




Unforgettable one thing the sight of the water in the pond, I think of the hot summer. That day the weather was very hot, just buy that soon melted the ice cream, the whole sky just like an invisible big greenhouses, coke baked in the sun, we hot very anxious to get to the refrigerator, a classmate said angrily: "what is this weather, hot dead, really want to go swimming in the water." I hear water said excitedly: "I have a good idea, why don't we go to the south in the pond to cool cool! The water is cool, is a little dirty." The words sound just fell, the students were all answered: "that's great! Let's go!"

Although go points, can like go for a few years, the road is so long, we are tired and hot, the sight of the water, all the students quickly take off clothes, jumped into the water. "That's great!" The students said. Only regret that when playing can smell a faint smell. Play for a while, grandpa took cattle. I see grandpa's panic, immediately hide. Can still be found grandpa, grandpa gave me a slap, I shouted angrily: "water shallow, so I come here to swim and drown, why hit me?" Grandpa's tears almost came out of it. He said earnestly, "grandson! What, grandpa got the pain you?"

I answered angrily, "isn't it, have words can't speak, why to hit people?" Grandpa said: "you don't see the water, while cool, but it isn't clean, you play here is harmful to the body, are likely to play because it is over, will be infected with the disease. I know you like to play with water, but you see it when I was a kid play water play." Said grandpa rolled up his sleeves, I saw a piece of psoriasis, think of my grandfather ate up to it, my tears to flow out involuntarily.

Ashamed for my own stubborn and disrespectful to bowed his head, said: "grandpa, I know, you are really good for me, I'll patience, later in the also don't play with water." After that I deeply, then, I no longer play not clean water.







At college,I missed my parents a lot.As the term was drawing to an end,I eagerly looked forward to going home.And I planned to do a thousand and one things during the vacation.Above all,I wanted to help my mother with housework.I also wished to read many hooks which my teachers had recommended.

However,at home,my mother would never let me do anything.She completely deprived me of sharing her work.As soon as I opened a book to read,she would sit down beside me and ask me about all kinds of things at the college.To please her,I told her one thing after another,and soon I forgot all about books.Even when I was actually reading,she would,now and then,insist that I should eat an egg or drink a cup of tea.

When I left home at the end of the vacation,not a thing in my plan had been carried out.But I felt very happy.I believed much more deeply than before in the old saying:Home,sweet home.There's no place like home!c


During the summer vacation, my father and I, uncle, sister come to fishermen resort, a clear sky without a cloud, and the sun ground roast hot boiling, A south wind blew from the ground, rolled up a cold heat, HuoShaoHuoLiao to make the person feels suffocate. Weeds arrival not sun, all leaves rolled into the researchers, hot fish are full of beans, I thought: "ha ha! What can catch fish." I am very happy feeling started fishing. First I put on a hook bait ed in the water, and then to throw a distant, carefully look at floating on the surface of the water bottle, I patiently waiting. Murmuring pond water is very moving. Small roadside, rock voids, they are happy, no worries the flow of. Sunlight on water, flashing dazzling rays of light, as in the above spread full gold-rimmed ground silver. Occasionally, part of the stream gathered in a few stones middle, silently streamed down, "Derek fisher in water gently swims. Several star drip drip down from stone, on the surface of the pan into layers of ripples. Suddenly, bottle something happens to water sink a bit, I hurried up lame, but a slippery small loach plop plop flooding back into the water, and I was very angry, and prepare for a new round of operational plan began.

See beside sister caught a fish, hear again a family again and again to praise her, I was very defy spirit.

Then, I again ed bait, and throwing the water, and carefully waiting, because the weather was very hot, so I took out a bottle of coke in the refrigerator, while enjoying, and wait.

At this moment, the rod in water by fish snapped three, I tried spooler, a fat fat fat fish before my eyes, I am happy to put the fish in a bucket.

I saw dad caught a pick up a fish. Strips of free fish swims merrily, waves wind came to meet points, immediately make me feel relaxed and happy!

Instant, came to the going down of the sun, dad in water fished two giant fish, about WuLiuJin, so I will not home safe.

Through fishing enabled me to learn things must be patient, can harvest, so this time fishing, in my summer vacation is the most unforgettable thing!




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