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2023-05-04 07:57:12




I had many teachers, they are very good in my eyes, but I think it's one of the best teachers or gong teacher.

Gong teacher is in fourth grade math teacher, I remember my math is not good, always 70 to 80 points, can't on 90 points. Mother think my math is very poor, he took me to the math teacher there to make up a missed lesson. But because I'm not listening carefully in class, make up a missed lesson is only have a temporary effect, the teacher I don't understand the knowledge of the class to help me understand. Can make up a missed lesson how line alone. The teacher in order to help us improve the enthusiasm of speak in class, and came up with a way. The next day in class, the teacher said to us, from now on, we start points, when the holiday, integral team at least have pooled their money to buy the candy to the team in the most points. In this way, students' interest in learning is greatly improved. Because everybody is listening to answer the teacher's questions, for own team with a point. Sometimes called the teacher out difficult topic, we use the noon time for questions, did the right thing can add two points. In order to achieve the two points, we often get together to discuss 3322 after class, proposed own view, sometimes to a difficult topic often use a few hours or even days to think. In this way, everyone listen carefully in class, love being creative class. In math in our class like a thermometer in the boiling water, Dally to rise, this is gong to the teacher's credit.

Gong is my best teacher.








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