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2023-05-05 02:55:01




One with a pair of black eyes of the little squirrel in the snow of winter was born.

When he was born, the boundless snow everywhere. He blinked his his lovely and black eyes asked squirrel mother: "what is that white outside?" "It's snow, the snow melted into water, water can nourish the whole earth. Such as the snow melts, spring came. Then I will take you to the outside world to see." The squirrel mom replied. "Then what spring is like?" "Spring is a green world. Then the grass will sprout, peach trees will blossom, green everywhere, and there are a variety of flowers in the green." "Wow, spring is beautiful!" Won praise the little squirrel, "I really want to spring to come!"

Day after day passed, and the weather gradually warm up.

"Mom, how spring has not come?" "Spring will be here soon, you see outside snow and ice are melting." The squirrel mom replied.

Ten days passed, and the snow had melted, outside, however, the green spring has not come yet.

The little squirrel wait not to live, he ran out from home. Looking for it everywhere. Suddenly a burst of black smoke blew, the little squirrel makes no, hurriedly go away. "How can have black wind?" The little squirrel to himself. To the distance, he looked up and saw several columns of stuff in constant out black fog, the wind again here, give to those who hate black fog. The little squirrel and turned to go, he think: "run, the black fog are choking."

Go to the nearby, "very smelly! What how so smelly?" The little squirrel shouted. "Gee, how to have a black ditch here? My mom before is not to say that there is a clear river?" The little squirrel more wonder. "That was before the stream, but now has become a black ditch, the gutter! Alas!" The sound of a sighing squirrel came later. The little squirrel hurriedly turned around, and see who is in a sigh, to speak. "Aunt turned out to be a peach tree, you why want to sigh? The river into a gutter is going on here?" "Well, I can't open flowers! Because upstream opened several chemical plant, pour the waste water in the river, the river becomes dark. I absorbed these toxic blackwater, I already deeply poisoning, I can no longer flowering. Blare...... blare......" "Aunt peach don't cry, spring is not here yet, why you said can blossom?" The little squirrel winking his lovely and advised her black eyes. "Children, spring has come." "Spring has come? Impossible, how can I not see green?" "Green could never come back!" "Impossible, impossible, I'm going to look for the green, look for spring." The squirrel shouted, running left here.

The squirrel kept on in the forest, murmured in mouth: "where is spring? Spring in where?" Then mother squirrel embrace the little squirrel said: "children, here is not suitable for our survival, we need to move." "No, I don't move, I want to find green." The little squirrel from mother's arms, ran to the woods.

Throughout the spring, the squirrels have not seen her mother the little squirrel, she did not move. One day in the summer, the squirrel mother in a can no longer be called a tree tree found the little squirrel, it's a pity that he has permanently closed the lovely and black eyes.













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