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2023-05-05 03:16:04




Dreams, use whole life go to effort, regardless of the road is full of thorns, or a winding. In this way, never timid, bravely to pursue. .

Tease the ripples on the water, the breeze, rolled residual yip fei Yang. Looking at the blue sky, I am infatuated, doing on the wings of dream.

I'm a dobson. Yesterday, my mother came here, a little water gently, I will enter the water. Since the moment I burst through the egg, I will accompany with water. But I always have a dream, that is to have a pair of wings, to fly the blue sky.

Dobson, very small, very small, like a drop of water in the water. Yes, I'm just a small bug, and my dreams are very far apart, far away.

That day, I like the past, the body naturally open, stretches the right a bit, with all my energy to stare the waters of the world. To birds inadvertently pass me envious eyes. My heart is aching, don't, my dream? I again and again ask yourself, but I still prefer to believe "whoever helps them up" this sentence, so I'm trying.

Is still at the beginning of the sunny morning, or in the old place, but at the moment I have no mood to look at the bird, insect flight trajectory. I know, with efforts, the dream will bloom

The thesis , over and over again, over and over again, I will practice flight movements. That a piece of water, however, is still imprisoned me, bound with me. I was so tired. Give up, or to continue? The proposition as "is the survival or death" important choice. I buckle ah, hard heavy and wet wings flap, struggling to roaring, on the surface of the water, like a clown. I heard on the topmost two kingfisher unbridled laughter, but no time, he continued to billow, flight. The salty liquid, tingling eyelids, tears, or sweat? ......

One day, I was surprised to find that my body began to slightly pain, there's something in the growth. Look back to see, actually the prototype of a pair of wings! I am absolutely thrilled. There is a hope, I took pains to practice more, to repeat...

Sow the seed of the dream, it finally blossomed. One day, I finally can fly! Looking at behind that a pair of wings, I very confident. The dream is in the front, the power of my savings at that moment. I struggled to vibrating wings. I like a water lotus posture rushed out of the water. Looking at no longer familiar vast heaven and earth, I smiled.

At this moment, I waved wings, fly between heaven and earth. This piece of heaven and earth, just like I think and dream, there are flower, grass, there are mountain water, colorful, physical pleasure, there are numerous things to me to explore. "Fine beautiful ting!" All around the cheers of the children. I'm a bit shy, the joy again, and then tried to shaking wings, flew.

I'm done from dobson to the metamorphosis of a dragonfly!

On the other side of the flowers is very beautiful! I save two stare blankly down those long beautiful wings, fly in the past...

















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