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2023-05-05 03:23:04




Is - honesty is gold, good faith, the good faith is, according to its measure a person's words and deeds, approach, attitude to people, it victory in people with other things. Remember one story, a young man in his own with "health", "beauty", "integrity" "smart" "intellect" "money" to "honor" seven rucksacks to pick one out to ease the burden, he will lost the "good faith"! That is foolish.

Honest with yourself, that is, people often say to live up to their own conscience. Do you remember the story of "the ostrich"? That is the most obvious example of self-deception. A person, if even oneself also can't be honest, that he is doomed to a lifetime can only live in the world of self-deception, never walk tall face yourself, face the life.

Honest with yourself, you can't really fair to treat life, chest inflates head between heaven and earth!

The integrity of people, is we correctly handle interpersonal relationships. Do you remember the story of "zengzi kill pig"? Zengzi son in order to fulfill the promise, killed a pig, and the house zengzi's words and deeds not only maintain their own integrity principle, also for my son to the good faith education. Integrity, also is the life of the enterprise, hard work is particularly fierce competition in today's social entrepreneurs, but also can't influence people to the good faith of the treaty a bit shaken. Because the opponent's cheating, also is not sure to own strength, it will directly cause the damage to the economic interests; On the contrary, because of the good faith to the customer, it will get customers trust, to win greater economic benefits.

To be honest with others is a moral quality, will make your life more beautiful!

The good faith to the society, the good faith for the country, be honest with yourself, the sublimation of the integrity of people. It is no longer a kind of behavior, an attitude, but rise to another kind of spirit. A sense of loyalty to the state, the spirit of loyalty to society, to become the soul of a nation to fail.

For social good faith, your personality will get sublimation!

Good faith, in you my heart. Therefore, the good faith is the reason why people call it the basic standard of people.

Let the good faith swept across the world!












Rain, rain wash the. Bean big drops representative sea smashed down. White at the moment.

I stood at the gate of the school upset them. The station is still some way from the school, there are a lot of homework waiting for review, unluckily didn't bring an umbrella. Were I don't know what to do when a crack the sound of footsteps clacking caught my attention. Looked up, a little boy around the age of ten, walked with an umbrella, with two sharp eyes looked at me: "elder sister, didn't carry an umbrella?" I nodded. He immediately asked enthusiastically, "is your home far? I have an umbrella, I sent you?" I was hesitated, he kept it influences artworks in my head, and his jet black and bright eyes sincerely looked at me, I then gathered pace.

The boy is small, then I took an umbrella. The two men slowly walked to the station. Boy appears very excited, all the way with the high rising tone told me that he was in fifth grade, the final school immediately will review "9", his grades are the top three, hopefully. I looked at him all the way to smile, also seems to be affected by his happiness. "Is a kindhearted boy." I want to.

In his happy voice, we went to the station. I take out a paper towel to help him get wet wiped her face, as if he didn't care, rushed from his pocket and took out a notebook and a pen to me: "elder sister, I help you once, you should help me once, right? You write your name, please?" I took the book strangely, open on see, it has written four or five a name. I don't understand to ask: "why do you want to write my name?" He shook the little head, a face of innocence, and said, "the teacher said, we do the ten virtues and someone proved that the final will be elected '9'." I suddenly startled, in the face of his full keen still sincere eyes, I have a kind of be fooled feeling. I asked him: "that you all did some what good news?" "Umbrellas to send people ah, I see it's raining today, specially, I don't think someone must umbrella." He said some impatient urge my signature, said: "it's not too late to send a!" I just signed his name, the in the mind cannot tell what it is.

I looked at him gradually blurred figure, a drive I rushed to call back to him in the rain, and start to just sign my name "Chen Xing" into a "good faith". I hope he can understand, also hope that he can understand teachers, parents, the good faith for every one of us how important it is!

The rain is still not small, wish it can wash away the excess dirt, also our bright world!











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