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2023-05-05 03:31:06




Side of kindness is quite near to us, but we don't have to feel carefully, to grasp. In fact everyone in the world is good, if they are evil, it must have been some reason, or are some things to force! Confucius once said: "people and act like what gift? Person and act is not happy." Person must be good, because is not good person would not feel happy, help others also never understand the true meaning of life! And everything to act in accordance with the interests, will attract many resentment. Small kind is good, because cumulatively, good thing you do, the more the higher the credibility of you in the heart of others, that you don't waste your life, you have to realize the true meaning of life, to be truth. I always careless, and I don't like what the false of the people together, I hate the selfish person. And those who get along together, I will feel uncomfortable and feel than ascend day also difficult! The so-called "one good turn deserves another, what goes around comes around, isn't a report not, just hours before the! Do a good man, is actually not difficult.

Good man, a good name is forever in people will forever remember his name, talk about the past are grateful, be happy; But those who malicious, name will be celebrated, not only no one come to your consideration, and a mention of his name, everyone have to hate, that you will not feel cold at this time! The way to the xiaoshan, look at traffic lights flashing, watching open stream through the car on the road, looking at those creature of pavement, is try so hard to cross the street! I looked at the old man with old steps and no one to help the old man, I don't like such a scenario. Suddenly, a woman to meet up, helped the old woman's hand, suddenly discovered that, the old woman with a kind smile, brake, god also revealed that long-lost smile, as in the crowd, is the world more harmonious, between people get along. Car has finally opened, and one after another sitting on their own position. All of a sudden, it was dark down, then came an old man. Bus driver said who can let each place, for the big niang. Suddenly, a ringing voice broke the silence of the presence of; "Come on, big niang, you sit down, I was standing." We have an approval. I hurriedly head low, at the moment, I saw the red scarf hung on my chest, thought: "I was a qualified member of China young pioneers? I do not have this kindness. So, let's start small, do a kind person! | | |


身边的善良其实离我们很近,只是我们没有仔细去体会、去捉摸而已。其实世界上的每一个人都是善良的,如果他们很恶毒,那也一定是被某些原因,或者是被某些事情给逼的吧! 孔子曾经说过:“人而不仁如礼何?人而不仁不乐何。”人一定要善良,因为不善良的人根本体会不到帮助别人的快乐,也永远体会不到做人的真谛!而且一切依照私利来行事,就会招来众多的怨恨。微小的善良也是善良,因为聚沙成塔嘛,你好事做得越多,你在别人心中的信誉越高,那你就不枉此生了,你已经悟出了人生的真谛、做人的道理。我,一向大大咧咧的,我并不喜欢与什么虚伪的人一起相处,我非常讨厌那些自私自利的`小人。和那些人相处在一块儿,我会觉得浑身不自在,会觉得比登天还要难呢!所谓“善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,只是时辰未到而已!做一个好人,其实是并不困难的。

善良的人会美名永在,大家会一辈子记住他的名字,一谈起那些往事都心存感激、喜笑颜开;而那些恶毒的人呢,名字会遗臭万年,不但没有人会来体谅你,一有人提到他的名字,大家都纷纷投来憎恨的眼光,那此时的你会不会感到心寒呢! 那次去萧山的路上,看着红绿灯不停的闪烁着,看着汽车在马路上川流不息的开着,看着人行道上的那些人儿,正着急的过马路呢!我看着老人迈着年迈的步子却没有一个人去扶那些老人,我并不喜欢这样的场景。突然,一个女人迎了上去,搀扶着老奶奶的手,忽然发现,老奶奶脸上露出了慈祥的笑容,刹时,老天也露出了那久违的笑,照在人群的身上,显得这个世界更加和谐,人与人之间和睦相处。汽车终于开了,人陆陆续续的坐在了自己的位置上。突然间,天又暗了下来,接着又上来了一位老人。公交司机说有谁能够让各个位,给这位大娘座。突然,一个清脆的嗓音打破了在场的沉默;“来,大娘,您坐,我站着就行。”大家纷纷投以赞许的目光。 我连忙把头低下,霎时间,我看到了挂在我胸口的红领巾,心想:“我还是个合格的少先队员吗?我连这点善心都没有。所以,让我们一起从小事做起,做一个善良的人吧!|||




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