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2023-05-05 03:34:05




One day, after school in the afternoon, my mother pick me up at the school to go home, we go to the double door, see a gray hair, ragged old man on his knees, a broken bowl lying on the ground, covered in mud from head to both hands, with series gap as wrinkles on the face, cold shivering, beg to passers-by.

The time when the school, students in double heads, a neatly dressed in school uniforms, to buy all kinds of snacks in the doorway, but no one noticed that the old man is the side of the road, also does not have a person to feel sorry for him, more no one to give, give money, to eat, everyone from his side through talking and laughing.

But, mom, but pay attention to the old man. She stopped and said to me: "children, it is a pity he ah, you go to donate some money to him." I felt in my pocket was wu hot only two COINS, delaying and thought, although he is very poor, I also want to donate money, but gave him, I would have no money, no bargain. As a result, I was reluctant to mother said: "forget it, will he be on TV about the kind of liar?" Said, "go up the mother's hand.

But, mom was forced off my hand, from his bag took out a five dollar bill and said to me: "we can't take everybody imagination of so bad, if he really is a need to help? Maybe not much our five dollars, but it can at least help he fills a belly!"

Listened to mother's words, my heart felt guilty, quickly come up with their own two COINS, turned to run, my mother and I put my money into the old man that dirty bowl, his smile to me of the bother to say thank you.

See the old man with wrinkled face a smile, I feel mother good great, one great oh! My mother was moved by the kind and merciful heart.











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