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2023-05-05 04:50:03




The day of the Spring Festival, is China's most traditional, of course, is also my favorite day, because can also eat ribs. Nursery rhymes singing good: children you don't admire, laba is years.

I can't hold this available. Elder brother took out a piece of pork ribs, all above is the bacon, I suddenly feel can eat a cow. I hungry Wolf flapping in the past, my brother a flash, I almost fell off a "dogs eat international". Brother said: "want this ribs, on one condition." "It doesn't matter what condition!" "You go to finish my homework. "What, can't, let me play is great when you say again let me do my homework!" Brother YinXiao, said: "that's what you don't eat?" "Don't eat not to eat!" Say that finish, I "hum". Brother picked up the ribs, into the mouth, was about to bite me angry Shouting "tooth left ribs!" Elder brother took out ribs, I say: "you... you play hot can you help me?" The words sound just fell and brother said: "ok, no problem, would have thought you would say that!" Then, I ran back to the room, with fast speed to finish the homework, and excitement to the microwave oven, open, touch ribs, not hot? Is brother forgot to make hot, ah, this careless brother is outrageous! I quickly press the heating, 1 second... 2 seconds... Two minutes! Finally, let me just like "points such as day". I took my ribs, excitedly amorous look each other in the eye of a second, then crazy to eat, three times five divided by two is done, it is with a light bone, I throw in the edge of the earth dam. May even taste also nothing important, small white from passing by, carried proud head, didn't care about the existence of the ribs.

On the day of the fair, I go with uncle, took to the streets, everywhere decorated, very impressive, I east Chou Chou, the west looked at, suddenly saw a gun, I quickly dragged uncle went to the places to buy gun, see vendors in one hand and a "black spider" brand firecrackers, is full of smile said to me: "the kid, buy black spider firecrackers! This gun power, agreeable voice, and its critical speed is not slow, it's best, superior quality and competitive price, a box as long as a dollar. Made me dizzy, I bought 20 boxes of relief, to go home, immediately open the box, take out a grain, lit, I quickly thrown out," bang ", I'm happy to jump jump.

Really good happy Spring Festival!









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